Friday, June 14, 2013

Style Profile: Burgundy Whispers

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Images via Jacqui of Burgundy Whispers

This edition of Shen's style profiles is by Philly-based fashion blogger and illustrator, Jacqui of Burgundy Whispers.  Jacqui brings her artistic flair to her stylish looks in her outfit posts. I am a fan of her Tastemakers illustration column where she features cool artists, musicians, and trendsetters and explains what makes them stylish.  Now on to the interview!

Shen Dove: What is the story behind your blog name?

Jacqui: My blog, Burgundy Whispers was based on my new closet space in my new home. The walls are painted a rich burgundy, maroon color. Every time I walk into the room, it's as if it's speaking fashion to me, through "whispers!"

Shen Dove: How would you describe your personal style? 

Jacqui: I don't really like to confine myself to one specific style because how much fun is fashion if you don't experiment? I guess if I had to pinpoint three words to describe myself, they would be feminine, bohemian, and edgy!

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Shen Dove: What trends or styles are you excited about wearing this summer? Are there any items on your wish list? 

Jacqui: This summer seems to be very fashion forward with the saturated, bold colors, minimalism and print on print styles. I'm excited to try all of them and interpret them in my own way! For my wish list this summer, I'm craving bright printed blazers, high waisted shorts, and fabulous silk trousers.

Shen Dove: Tell me about what inspired you to include your illustrations on your blog. How did you get started with illustrating? 

Jacqui: I tell people that my blog is like a virtual portfolio of my work, what I do and what inspires me. I went to college for illustration and graphic design, so naturally it just felt right to include my own images. I've been drawing since I came out of the womb, art is a daily essential for me!

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Shen Dove: What are some of your favorite local shops and restaurants? 

Jacqui: When it comes to shopping I'm mostly an online shopper, it's just much easier and hassle free! When I do go shopping, in person I like to hit up J.Crew, Kembrel, Anthropologie, American Apparel and Zara. My fave online destinations are,, and I love Philadelphia for it's fabulous collection of cuisines! Some of my favorite restaurants are Mixtos, Giwa, and Minar Palace. Can you tell I love spicy food?!

Shen Dove: What do you like most about blogging and being a blogger in Philly in particular?

Jacqui: What I like most about blogging is the networking and connections that I've been able to create. Blogging has improved my ability to socialize, I used to be quite the shy person! I've made some valuable friendships over the last year that I truly treasure. Blogging has also taught me about how to market and present myself, all good traits for a budding freelancer! Being a blogger in Philadelphia is quite a great thing, everyone is so helpful and informative. No one, at least not anyone that I've met is arrogant or condescending and I have met bloggers from other cities and states that were quite uppity about their "trade secrets." Philadelphia truly is the City of Brotherly Love!

Shen Dove: Thanks for the interview Jacqui!  Be sure to check out Jacqui's blog and Tweets for her latest fashion updates, fashion event coverage and illustrations! 


  1. I love Jacqui!!! Great interview!

  2. OOh I read her blog too! I really like her style. And her hair. Great interview! It's always so much fun to learn about other bloggers; because the interviewer asks questions that we may not think to answer otherwise!

  3. Awww, shucks! Thanks Shen for the opportunity! #blushing

  4. Thanks for reading the interview! I enjoy reading interviews on other blogs so it's always fun to do them on my own.

  5. Wao, I really loving her style!!! Thanks for introducing me to her, I'm going to check out her blog right now!
