Sunday, May 19, 2013

Links of the Week: May 19th

My weekly links are belated this week, but better late than never right? Here are some good reads to peruse before, during or after your favorite Sunday television shows.

The salon experience for naturals

I so wish something like this existed in Philly...lunch time parties sound awesome.

Is it ethical to resell thrift store clothes ?

These shoes would add a cheerful touch to my work outfits.

I don't need any more pink in my wardrobe at the moment, but I still like this dress.

25 free mood boosters

How to make coconut whipped cream

Edit your thoughts for more energy

Ten realizations about being in your thirties 

Made in the USA and humanitarian fashion

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. I tried out that coconut whipped cream this weekend - so yummy on my chocolate ice cream, and then the next morning mixed into my plain yogurt. Wish those cans of coconut milk weren't so damn expensive.

  2. Looking forward to checking out these links!
