Friday, March 8, 2013

Links of the Week: March 8th

Happy Friday! So today is my birthday it will be a snowy but good one.  Here is some reading to keep you occupied this weekend.

When I saw this link on Yes and Yes, I had to share.  Does anyone else remember the store Delias?  I remember bookmarking items i wanted as a middle schooler.

Still working on your taxes? Here are ten tax mistakes you don't want to make.

I really liked this review of a new DC company that delivers ingredients to make great meals in your home.

I really liked this post: For fathers.

I so admire when people take big leaps of faith.

Are you a blogger on the go? Check out these stylish blogging accessories

Are you in the Philly area and looking for something to do tomorrow? Check out this event.

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. thanks for sharing, I adored those teen catalogs, so much!
    and I totally have not done my taxes yet. ick.

  2. Happy belated birthday! The Delia's catalog pictures are so funny - definitely reminds me of my late elementary/middle school days.

    I nominated you for a Liebster Award - if you've never participated before and want to, you can head to my blog at for more info!
