Friday, March 29, 2013

Links of the Week: March 29th

How is it Easter weekend already? While I'm happy that spring is finally here, the first quarter of the year is flying by at an alarming speed.  Gotta make every day count!  Here is some reading material to keep you occupied this weekend. 

How to look good in pictures. 

Loving the visual inspiration of this Tumblr

I'm really into swapping, so I really like this advice on how to host a clothing swap.

I will definitely bookmark this guide for my next drugstore run for spring lipsticks.

I will keep these tips in mind when I attend my next workshop or conference.

I definitely plan to exercise more this spring, maybe I'll add these to my fitness gear wish list.

I'm feeling kind of inspired to create an idea book similar to this one over the weekend.

I wish Instagram was my jam, but it hasn't been this year....I think I'll follow these tips to get inspired to take more photos with my phone regularly.

Here are one blogger's secrets for feeling awesome 96% of the time.

I'd love to add this cheerful watch to my collection.

Your phone vs your heart.

Have a lovely weekend, and Happy Easter and Passover!


  1. thanks for sharing - hope you have a good weekend and a lovely easter!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I really love the feeling awesome 96% of the time one.
