Friday, February 22, 2013

Links of the Week: February 22nd

Happy Friday!  Here is some reading material to keep you busy this weekend.

The key to budgeting for big expenses

How can I find a coffee shop that they'll actually let me sit and work in for a while?

5 hair blogger falsehood debunked by a cosmetologist

Tips on taming the inbox (I plan to implement these tips over the weekend on my email accounts).

How to arrange super market flowers

How to wear a jean jacket

Google looks to make its computer glasses stylish

Is soy bad for you?

Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. Oh, that home in the picture above beautiful! Off to check out those links now :)

  2. Thanks for the reading material - can't wait to check out some of these links!

  3. You're welcome! It was fun putting it together.
