Monday, November 26, 2012

Black, White + Furry

black white and furry
Vest: swapped; Shirt: H&M; Jeans: JBrand; Wedges: Target; Necklace: Shoxsie

Happy Monday! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I wore different variations of this outfit for most of the Thanksgiving weekend and I see it being in heavy rotation during the weekends for a while.  My current fashion motto for this season is: when in doubt, add a vest.  I think it's served me well so far.

If you have one, what's your current fashion motto?

black white and furry 2

Here's to a positive and productive week!


  1. Oh so cute! I love the furry vest! Can't believe you swapped it. Was it an online or an in person swap?

    And I hope we both have a positive and productive week. I'm about to enter finals week. Wish me luck!

  2. that vest looks so wonderfully COZY, so i think your new motto is working out quite well!

    dash dot dotty

  3. I do love the furry vest paired with stripes! it's such a cute mix.

  4. You look great fur-real!
