Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Style Profile: Streets and Stripes

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This edition of Shen's Style Profiles is from Chaucee of Streets and Stripes.  Chaucee is a talented photographer with a unique sense of personal style.   She has a fabulous blog which covers topics such as photography, lifestyle, fashion, cool creative entrepreneurs, and the amazing city of Philadelphia (I'm a little biased because it's my hometown).  I haven't yet met  Chaucee in person, but I'm sure she is just as nice in person as she comes across on her blog.   Now on to the interview!

Shen Dove: What inspired you to start your blog and how did you come up with the title? 

Chaucee: Streets & Stripes originally started out as a duo in 2008. My friend Nicole actually came up with the name. There are two main focuses on the blog: lifestyle and fashion. “Streets” was for the lifestyle and “Stripes” was for the fashion. Nicole’s always had a way with words, and it just stuck!

Shen Dove: As a blogger who has been established for a few years, what inspires you to continue blogging? 

Chaucee: I'm inspired to blog because I actually really love it. Like a lot. Even if no one reads the posts, or if no one comments I still love doing it. Everything from editing the photos, to arranging posts, networking and community.  For some crazy reason it’s something I adore doing, and that’s why I make so much time for it in my day and my week. I genuinely loving what I’m doing.

Shen Dove:  How has the city you live in influenced your style and other creative endeavors? 

Chaucee: Some friends of mine have commented how the city has influenced my style. I originally come from Lancaster, PA, so moving to Philly was definitely a change. It’s given me more courage to try something new like leather pants or bold floral patterns. There’s also more access to fashion. Philly has some great boutiques and vintage shops to get lost in.

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Shen Dove: What are your favorite local shopping spots in your city? 

Chaucee: Favorites include Once Worn Consignment, Buffalo Exchange, SWAG Boutique, Aoki Boutique, and Third Street Habit.

Shen Dove: If money, time, work, etc. weren't a factor, where in the world would you travel and what necessities would you wear/take on your trip? 

Chaucee: Oh boy. I would live, eat, and breathe the Middle East. I would take along all the classics. A good pair of skinny jeans, a Breton striped top, a cosy cardigan, a leather backpack, my good ‘ole camera, a picture of mia familia, a journal, and some moisturizer. Can’t live without that stuff!

Shen Dove: As bloggers we are constantly "connected" to others with the aid of gadgets and technology.  Do you have any low-tech or no-tech hobbies you enjoy? 

Chaucee: I absolutely ADORE reading. It’s the most relaxing past time. I enjoy getting outside of my world and thinking through different perspectives and cultures. I also just enjoy building community with my friends and investing in other people’s lives. It’s the most rewarding thing I’ve ever experienced. Events are also pretty awesome; getting out there and meeting people!

Shen Dove: Do you have any quotes, sayings or rules you live by? If so, what are they? 

Chaucee: I have several! And they’re good ones : ) 

"Read books by people you don't agree with."

 “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -Mark Twain

 “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." -Mark Twain

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Shen Dove: Thanks for the interview Chaucee!  Be sure to check out Chaucee's awesome blog.  You can also follow her on Twitter, Pinterest and Tumblr.

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