Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Style Profile: Wardrobe Oxygen

style profile - wardrobe oxygen
This month's style profile is from Alison (better known as Allie) of Wardrobe Oxygen.  Allie gives excellent styling advice and has a great, authentic writing style. I've met her before at local fashion events and she's just as nice in person as she is on her blog. Now on to the interview!

Shen Dove: What inspired you to start your blog and how did you come up with the title?

Allie: I worked in apparel for years and had learned a lot about how to dress women of all sizes, ages, budgets, and lifestyles. I had started a new office job where they would have work for me, but it wasn’t yet available and I was told to “look busy.” I had recently seen a news show about blogging and felt it was something that would make me look busy at work and give me an outlet for my writing passion as well as a place to store my shopping knowledge. As for the title, I started blogging so early that I didn’t understand that “What Every Woman Needs in Her Wardrobe” wasn’t a very catchy title. I asked friends for suggestions and my best friend offered Wardrobe Oxygen, since my advice posts breathe life into a wardrobe. I changed it a few years ago and haven’t looked back!

Shen Dove: As a blogger who has had an established blog for several years, what inspires you to continue blogging? 

Allie: My readers. I get emails and comments from them telling me that my advice posts have changed their outlook on fashion, changed their life. Many women have told me that because I showcase my personal style they now have the confidence to wear color or more fun of clothing, even if they don’t have a model body. To hear such stories is pretty overwhelming, but it’s awesome to know that my little hobby is providing inspiration to fellow women.

Shen Dove: How would you describe your personal style? Is it influenced by your career? 

Allie: Honestly, I could wear most anything to work (except logoed tees and sneakers). However, from all my careers I know that what you wear does influence how you are treated, whether you receive the respect you deserve, and whether you get promoted. Also when you are selling your skills, you want to present a professional and positive package. My personal style is pretty classic, but I amp it up with color and accessories. I like to buy pieces that look great now but will still be stylish five years from now, but be in a color or silhouette that I won’t find boring within a year.

Shen Dove: How has the city you live in influenced your style and other creative endeavors? 

Allie: While I work in DC, I live in historic Old Greenbelt, right outside the city. My town is very… crunchy and when I first moved here I didn’t feel as though I fit in. However, over time I have made amazing friends, connected with the community, and have seen how it affects my wardrobe. Greenbelt has relaxed my wardrobe, I now think if a piece will work when walking a half mile to the farmers market or café, how it will hold up spending the day at the lake. As for working in DC, I think it has helped me embrace color. While DC may be known for frumpy navy suits and white tennis shoes, it’s actually a very vibrant city and I am constantly awed and inspired by the fashion on the streets. I think color is far more accepted here than when I worked in the suburbs.

Shen Dove: What are your favorite shopping destinations and/or restaurants in your area? 

Allie: Since I work 40-50 hours a week and commute up to 10 hours a week and have a family, the majority of my shopping is done online. However I do pass the Connecticut Avenue Ann Taylor en route to the Metro and love to stop in there – Carlos is one of the managers and he is fabulous – totally gets my personal style and has such creative ideas!

hot pink coat

Shen Dove: If money, time, work, etc. weren't a factor, where in the world would you travel and what would you wear on your trip? 

Allie: I would buy an Airstream and travel this country with my family. While I have traveled a lot, there is much of our own country that I have yet to see. For such an adventure it would be a lot of sundresses. I wear dresses 90% of the time because their ease of use and comfort and fabulous one-piece ensembles. A breezy sundress, a pair of leather sandals, some killer bracelets, aviators and my hair natural as I drive from coast to coast!

Shen Dove: As bloggers, we are constantly "connected" to others with the aid of gadgets and technology.  Do you have any low-technology or no-technology hobbies that you enjoy? 

Allie: Reading real books and real magazines and listening to old-school FM radio. On Sunday mornings, my husband makes breakfast for the family and we listen to the radio, eat outside if it’s nice and enjoy nature, and after often spend the day in the living room reading our respective books, Emerson playing with her doll house. Emerson is a voracious reader, and needs a large stack next to her bed before she goes to sleep. We have books in every room of the house and subscribe to many magazines. I just enjoy the feel of the paper in my hands, the tradition of books, passing them down.

alison gary wardrobe oxygen fashion blog DC

Shen Dove: Do you have any personal style rules you live by? If so what are they? 

Allie: If you don’t love it, don’t buy it. If you can't envision wearing something in three different ways/to three different occasions, don’t buy it. It’s better to buy too big and tailor it than purchase too small and look uncomfortable or feel bad about your size. Black is chic, but color is inspiring.

Shen Dove: Thanks Allie!  Be sure to bookmark Wardrobe Oxygen for Allie's latest updates.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this opportunity, love your blog and honored to be featured on it!
