Monday, June 11, 2012

Girl Scout

Shirt: H&M; Skirt: Swapped; Shoes: Target; Earrings: Buffalo Exchange; 
Necklace: Jess LC; Watch: Francesca's Collections; Ring: H&M

Happy Monday! I picked up this skirt at a swap earlier this year and didn't examine it very closely until recently.  After looking at the tag more carefully, I realized that my skirt has a Girl Scout label.  I am actually a former Girl Scout, so I guess it's appropriate that I'm wearing part of a former Girl Scout uniform...

girl scout skirt
Here's to a positive and productive week!


  1. So cute that it's a Girl Scout skirt! I would never have known. =)

  2. Dang, I must have missed that level of cute girl scout outfits, since we just wore those horrible vests. Now I want a thin mint. 

  3. Girl Scout or not, the skirt is cute.  And pockets?  Hello.
