Thursday, May 31, 2012

Style Profile: Stylish Thought

Style Profile - Stylish Thought 1
This month's style profile is from Fajr of Stylish Thought who is a writer and social media guru that possesses an awesome sense of style.  Fajr's blog is a great mix of fashion, inspirational information, personal style, and how-to advice for the young professional woman.  Now on to the interview!

Shen Dove: What inspired you to start your blog and how did you come up with the title? 

Fajr: I was inspired to start Stylish Thought because I have a lot of opinions about fashion and life.  It started in 2006 as my fashion writing portfolio and has evolved into a fashion/lifestyle site.

Shen Dove:  How would you describe your personal style? Is it influenced by your career/job? 

Fajr: My personal style is definitely retro and very vintage inspired. I love shopping at thrift stores and wearing styles that evoke the olden days. My style is really influenced is by my silliness and youthful nature. I love things that are bit kitschy and silly. I definitely don't take my style too seriously, opting to have a good time with my style.

Shen Dove: What adjectives would you use to describe your personal style? Has it evolved over time or remained consistent?

Fajr:  Fun, Kitschy and Tongue in Cheek. My style has evolved over time and I've gone through several style phases, while always maintaining my love of vintage fashion. We won't even talk about my hipster phase. My style right now feels most like me; classic, fun and a bit off kilter.

Shen Dove: How has the city/town you live in influenced your style? 

Fajr: Being from Philadelphia has influenced my style in that I feel I rebel a bit from the traditional style here. Philly is a very laid back town, style wise and I'm a bit the opposite.  Philly does have a rich community of indie designers and artisans, so in the last two years I've gotten more involved in shopping local boutiques and finding those one-of-a-kind pieces.

Style Profile - Stylish Thought 2

Shen Dove: What are some of your favorite places to eat and shop in your city? 

Fajr: I love to shop at the local boutiques in the city. Smak Parlour, Franklin Square and Buffalo Exchange are my favorites. Working downtown, you're surrounded by lots of great restaurants and a few of my favorites are Freshii, Serefina and the Reading Terminal.

Shen Dove: What is the top destination currently on your to-travel to list? Please name one (or more if you wish!) clothing item(s) you would pack for this trip and explain why? 

Fajr: Ah travel. What place isn't on my must see list.  Right now I would love to go to San Francisco and the Napa Valley.  I would keep my style very "1950's California" with straw fedoras, two piece lounge wear and cat eye sunglasses.

Shen Dove: What are some of your interests/hobbies outside of fashion/lifestyle blogging? Do you have any hidden talents? 

Fajr: I love to read! I've loved books since I was 5.  I don't have any hidden talents per se, but I used to draw and sketch on occasion.

Shen Dove: Do you have any words of inspiration you live by when it comes to your perspective on style and self-confidence? 

Fajr: One of my favorite quotes is a Judy Garland quote; "Be a first rate version of yourself, rather than a second-rate version of someone else." For me style is personal and not about following trends or trying to look like someone else. It's difficult to be your own person in a world that wants to make us all the same. We've got to fight for our right to be ourselves.

Shen Dove: Thanks for the interview Fajr!  Be sure to bookmark Stylish Thought for Fajr's latest updates.


  1. What a cutie! Thanks for the introduction - I'll be sure to check out her blog. :)

  2. Definitely checking out her blog, she's got a great sense of style!

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