Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Style Profile: Kings Rule Together

style profile - curran j
All Images from Kings Rule Together

This month's style profile will actually be the first gentleman I've featured in the series.  I was taken with the positive tone of Curran's inspiring and stylish blog, Kings Rule Together.  Curran is a renaissance man that incorporates his passion for fashion, styling, and philanthropy into his blog.  So let's get to the interview!

Shen Dove: What inspired you to start your blog and how did you come up with the title? 

Curran: My biggest inspiration to start a blog came from the people around me. Blogging was something new and a good means to express my fashion opinion, so I gave it a try.  During the time I was doing a lot of things but I wasn't documenting it on a more advanced level but more so promoting my work via social media so starting my blog made me become and appear more official to the naked eye.  My friend referred to me as king as a term of endearment instead of the N word, which is so commonly used amongst the youth. It stuck with me from then on, giving me the esteem to truly respect myself and the people around me.  As I went on working with other kings, I realized that by working together we made a more powerful impact, and we accomplished a lot more aka Kings Ruling Together.

Shen Dove: How would you describe your personal style? Is it influenced by your career? 

Curran: My personal style is really a melting pot of many different styles mixed into one. I like to incorporates many different looks together that typically you may not see the average person wearing. I believe this makes my look and overall appearance unique and I display my own individuality. My style is my career. I wouldn’t be where I am today if people didn’t recognize my sense of fashion. I took my love for fashion and turned it into a business.

Shen Dove: How has the city you live in influenced your style and other creative endeavors? 

Curran: I take a lot of pride in being from Philadelphia. It has made me into the man I am today. I just love the fact that I can stay in my hometown and still be recognized all over the world.
Picture 1

T-shirt from Curran's Kings Rule Together Clothing Store: "Designed to promote an undivided group of men at their peek by showing style and character as they work together and still maintain their King structure." - K.R.T.

Shen Dove: What do you enjoy most about blogging about style and fashion? 

Curran: I enjoy the freedom of just being me. I can put whatever I want on and say whatever I like and share it with my followers all while inspiring others. Even if they may not like exactly what I have on or may not even wear the things I wear it opens their minds up for new options for their wardrobe or even ideas to help them display their indivduality. I aspire to inspire.

Shen Dove: I see that you have an interest in philanthropy which is great!  How do your philanthropic endeavors tie in with your interests in fashion, photography and event planning? 

Curran: Philanthropy is a huge part of my career.  I have been driven to promote peace amongst my peers both male and females. I want all males to see themselves as Kings and all females as Queens. I feel as though if we greet each other as such, we will act as such. Respect amongst all will be rewarding to me when I look back many years from now and see my effect Kings Rule Together had on the WORLD.

Shen Dove: Do you have any blog related goals for 2012? 

Curran: I really just plan to create more. 2012 is all about creating new and innovative work for the world to see.

Shen Dove: Do you have any personal style rules you live by? If so, what are they? 

Curran: The only rule I have is for guys just to pull their pants up. Nothing more, nothing less.

Shen Dove: So be sure to bookmark Curran's great blog to see his latest updates.


  1. So nice to discover great men's blogs! Thanks for this Shen!

  2. This style profile was terrifically fun!  I love when I get to learn more about those amazing male style bloggers who are out there. 


  3. Thanks! They are fun, I hope to feature more stylish gents like Curran in the future.

  4. Great interview :) I love Curran's style and I want that pink sweater!!!!!
