Friday, March 23, 2012

Style Profile: The Fashionista Next Door

style profile_fashionistanxtdoor
Photos courtesy of  Eboni Ifé of The Fashionista Next Door

This month's style profile is from Eboni Ifé of The Fashionista Next Door.  Eboni exhibits a great attention to detail in putting her outfits together.  Eboni also has a fabulous shoe collection!  Her regular feature, "Style Me Friday" really shows off her styling skills and ability to put together outfits that look just as good if not better than the inspiration.  Now let's get to the interview!

Shen Dove: What inspired you to start your blog and how did you come up with the title?

Eboni Ifé: I started blogging on accident, really. I've always had a love affair with fashion, but my blog started out as a blog all about my general randomness, and the blog's name was "Miss Ifé's World." (My middle name is Ifé). But, the truth is all I wanted to write about was fashion and personal style. I was pretty much obsessed with Love Maegan and Karla's Closet at the time, but I was so intimidated by fashion bloggers who seemed to be so endlessly stylish! Finally, I took the plunge and committed to being a "style blogger." (and my first few posts were pretty bad. LOL!) My blog's title took a little while to come into it's own. It went from Miss Ifé's World to "Frugal Fashionista," which I quickly discovered was already in use on a well established blog. Not to mention, a friend of mine mentioned to me that she hated the name! So, I started thinking about my style, and beyond that, the woman I wanted to be in terms of style, and it just came to me...The Fashionista Next Door. (sorry for the LONG answer. LOL!)

Shen Dove: How would you describe your personal style? Is it influenced by your career/job? 

Eboni Ifé: I think my style is fun...daring...unexpected at times. I really just like to have fun with fashion. Fortunately, I've always had jobs where I was free to wear whatever I wanted, so I can't say that my career has had a strong influence on my style...though, I am thankful that it has allowed my style to blossom and evolve completely unrestricted by dress codes.


Shen Dove: How has the city/town you live in influenced your style? If it hasn't, what has inspired your style? 

Eboni Ifé: I'm a California girl through and through...I grew up moving back and forth from from NorCal to SoCal, and if you've spent much time in either place, you know how different the aesthetic is in both cities. LA is the perfect combination of flip flops, stilettos, and versace shades! The bay area is a little bit preppy, a little bit activist, and a little bit boho...and 100% fabulous! I think my style is influenced by both...I guess that's why I call my style eclectic.

Shen Dove: What do you enjoy most about blogging about style and fashion? 

Eboni Ifé: Honestly, it's become about so much more than fashion. I work full-time and I have a family...I hardly have time to maintain a blog, but I couldn't walk away from the community of amazing, brilliant, beautiful bloggers I've met along this journey. Other bloggers (like you) are a constant source of inspiration. So, thank you!


Shen Dove: Thanks for the compliment! What are some of your interests/hobbies outside of fashion blogging? Do you have any hidden talents? 

Eboni Ifé: I am a major foodie! Love reading cookbooks, watching cooking shows, trying new recipes...and eating, of course! Hidden talents...umm, the hubby says I have musical turrets. I subconsciously know just about every song...or at least every hook ever written. Hehe! Sing a line or hum melody...and I just can't help but to burst out into the full song...and I tend to sing it non-stop until a new song enters my brain. I am also the reigning Def Jams Rap Star!

Shen Dove: Spring is officially here!  What are you excited about wearing this season?

Eboni Ifé: Florals, florals, and more florals! (and polka dots...and yellow!)

Shen Dove: Do you have any blog related goals for 2012?

Eboni Ifé: I have really been working to maintain an "editorial calendar." I really want to be more consistent with my posting schedule and my content.

Shen Dove: Do you have any personal style rules you live by? If so what are they? 

Eboni Ifé: Nope. No rules. Fashion...and more importantly, personal style, is about wearing what makes YOU feel good.

Shen Dove: Thanks for the interview Eboni!  Be sure to bookmark The Fashionista Next Door to see Eboni's latest updates.


  1. Thanks for doing this profile Shen! I didn't know about Eboni's blog, but I just checked it out and it is fabulous! I'm adding her to my google reader! 


  2. I love discovering new blogs! Going to check her out now - thanks for sharing!

  3. I love Eboni's blog too...she was one of the first bloggers I stalked before starting my blog.
