Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Goals

I had previouly been in the habit of recording my monthly goals and thought that the start of my birthday month was a good time to start that habit again. I find that sharing goals adds a layer of accountability goal-setting that I find helpful.  So here are my goals for the month:
  • Eat more fruit and veggies.  Eat less bread, caffeine, and sweets. I think my waistline will thank me for some small tweaks to my daily eating habits. I plan to replace my morning coffee with tea at least five days a week and cut back on my bread and sweets intake. 
  • Discover new music and musical artists to listen to and create some playlists.  I feel that I'm in a bit of a musical rut, so I plan to seek out new music to listen to and create playlists to match my tasks and moods (happy playlist, exercise playlist, work playlist, etc.)
  • Make a piece of artwork. I'd like to try my hand at making a piece of artwork this month.  I'll head to Pinterest and some of my favorite home/decor blogs for some inspiration for that goal.
  • Interview someone and share it.  I really enjoy interviewing people (especially creatives and entrepreneurs), so I will do at least one interview (outside of a monthly style profile) and share it with you all.
  • Move more.  Exercise has taken a backseat in my daily routine these days, so it's time to change that, warmer weather will be here very soon after all.
  • Start contributing to my travel fund.  I'd love to take an international trip this year, so if that's going to happen, I must start contributing to my travel fund. I don't have a specific amount in mind, I just want to establish the habit of regularly saving for travel as I have in the past.
Do you have any goals for the month of March?


  1. March is my birthday month as well! 
    I saw someone else do a post on monthly goals and really like the idea! They're so much more attainable than yearly goals we make back in January (although I haven't made those in years!). I'm going to have to think through this and pen a few of my own!

  2. Great post. I was actually going to do a post on this too.
    My goal for March is to do a lot of learning - Two conferences lined up already and work on reducing  my waistline. Like the tips you've provided for doing that

    Kemi at

  3. Love this! Always a good idea to look at your goals again. I definitely want to take better care of myself - eating better and getting more sleep! We'll see!

  4. Love interviews! So excited...and about your dream travels, please :)

    <3 Cambria

  5. Good luck with your goals!  It's so important to take care of yourself but I know how challenging it is sometimes to take time to do it.

  6. I didn't realize you had a March birthday too, how did I miss that! I look forward to seeing your goals if you decide to post them.

  7. Hello Shen Dove! Just want to say thanks for the post! I don't have a blog to list all of the things I have started changing in my life but they are much similar to yours. And guess what..I'm also a March baby..the 19th to be exact! Anyway this is a bit long but I would love to see some updates on these goals in the future and btw Happy Belated Birthday(if it's already gone) or Happy Early Birthday (if it has not arrived as yet)!
