Monday, February 6, 2012

Casual in plaid

Shirt: Target (similar); Jeans: Gap: Boots: Marshalls; Bamboo Hoops: ?

Happy Monday!  I hope those that stayed up for the Superbowl and related festivities aren't too tired.  I wasn't really partial to either team, but congrats to the Giants. Do you think that the commercials and half-time show lived up to the hype this year?
Now on to fashion concerns: Did anyone successfully get anything from the Jason Wu for Target line?  I looked online yesterday, but most of the items I liked were only available in the store and I didn't care to wait in lines, so I may have missed out. Did you fare better than me?
Whether or not the team you rooted for won or you successfully bought items from the Jason Wu Target line, here's to a positive and productive week!


  1. I wasn't partial to either team as well. I didn't know Jason Wu was doing a target line! I'm trying to not buy new clothes so I've been staying out of the Target and the mall lately. But I really love his designs and especially that floral print bag!

  2. My roommate and I are planning on venturing out tomorrow to attempt to get a couple of the dresses. I'm keeping my expectations low, but we'll see. Love the plaid! Classic but chic.

    if you have a chance, check out my blog!

  3. Haha, I've got my eye on a couple items, but don't have the cash for 'em!  LOVE your plaid, it's such a pretty blend of yellow/blue.  Cute.

    <3 Cambria

  4. Cute outfit Shen. I live in Toronto so we don't have Target, (and obviously the new clothing line) but I did look at a bunch of blogs where girls picked up stuff yesterday. I have to say that I'm not that impressed. The pieces are perfectly nice and cute, but I'm not blown away by anything I've seen so far. That's something that didn't live up to the hype.


  5.  Thanks lady!  I definitely understand what you mean.  I've had the experience of getting Target items from previous designers at clothing swaps and clothing exchange stores for much cheaper, so I can wait : )

  6. Love this look! Casual, but super stylish.


  7. Oooh I love, love this look! And your hair and glasses are perfect for it! And I like the wash of the jeans goes really well with that top! So cute!
    I am definitely excited for neons and bright oranges and yellows!

    Shasie of Live Life
    in Style

