Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Style Profile: Oh to Be a Muse

Style Profile - Cheryl OTBAM
Photos courtesy of Cheryl, Oh to Be a Muse

For this edition of Shen Style Profiles, Cheryl of the great blog, Oh to Be a Muse was kind enough to answer a few questions about her blog and her personal style.  Cheryl is great at mixing affordable pieces together to make stylish outfits.  Cheryl discusses many issues related to fashion and its intersection with popular culture on her blog.  She also happens to write great movie reviews that I personally use to decide what's worth seeing in movie theatres!  So now to the questions!

Shen Dove: What inspired you to start your blog and how did you come up with the title?

Cheryl: I was mainly inspired to start blogging because I've always been a writer and because I was getting married and wanted to showcase my wedding prep journey. Eventually I ventured on a different path and started to focus on all clothing and shoes and accessories on my blog. The name Oh to Be a Muse comes from my mission statement for my style to inspire my readers and for my readers to inspire their own style.

Shen Dove: How would you describe your personal style? Is it influenced by your career/job? 

Cheryl: Wowza! I always find it difficult to answer questions about my personal style, which probably sounds silly coming from a fashion and style blogger. Really, I just dress in what makes me feel comfortable. So some days I'll wear something on the edgy side while other times I'll glam it up. My style is influenced by comfort and by my 'career' as a fashion blogger as I love the creative wardrobes of other bloggers' style.

Shen Dove: How has the city/town you live in influenced your style? 

Cheryl: Well I used to live in south Florida, which has a very beachy style, and now I live in Phoenix, which has a very laid back style. I can't say that either place really left a mark on me style-wise. But I went to London last year and was simply walking down the streets and was bombarded by girls (and guys) with mega style left and right. They didn't look like they were trying to be stylish--they just were.

Shen Dove: What do you enjoy most about blogging about style and fashion? 

Cheryl: Everything. I love coming up with ideas for posts. I love making style boards and shooting outfit posts. I love receiving and giving comments. I love the connections I've made with sponsors. I love how much I've learned about social media and photography. I love the blogging community. There are so many people in the blogosphere whom I'd love to meet IRL.

Oh To Be a Muse 2

Shen Dove: What are some of your interests/hobbies outside of fashion blogging? Do you have any hidden talents? 

Cheryl: When I'm not blogging I'm probably spending time with my hubby and our two dogs--a Pomeranian and a German Shepherd mix. I like to hike, read books, watch tons and tons of movies, thrift shop and drink Thai iced tea. My hidden talent would be that I sing, and I think I'm pretty good at it.

Shen Dove: I know it seems like summer just started, but fall will be here before you know it! How do you plan to transition your favorite summer items into your fall wardrobe? 

Cheryl: You're so right; fall will be here shortly. My plan is to layer. Wear summer dresses with tights, leggings, trenches and snoods and scarves. I've been adding more color to my wardrobe recently and a lot of those colors are perfect for fall so hopefully that will do the trick.

Shen Dove: Do you have any personal style rules you live by? If so what are they?

Cheryl: My only style rule is that everyone wears what they feel truly comfortable in: know what you look good in and wear what you love. Forget about forgettable pieces and have your own individual style because that alone is fashionable.

Oh to Be a Muse 1

Shen Dove: Thanks for answering my questions Cheryl!  So check out Oh To Be a Muse if you don't already have it bookmarked!


  1. Thanks for showing us her blog! I've never read it before and I LOVE her style!

  2. You're welcome.  Cheryl's style is so great!

  3. Awesome. Thanks so much for featuring me in the Style Profile -- this interview was really great with a lot of wonderful questions. Love it!
