Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pattern Free

Top: Gap; Skirt: Beacon's Closet (NYC); bag: Buffalo Exchange; Shoes: Target
Watch: Francesca's; Earrings and Bracelets: H&M

I realized rather belatedly that I totally missed Tuesday's Everybody, Everywhere!  I don't know how I let that slip by because I am definitely a fan of pattern mixing which was this month's theme.  My outfit is pattern free today, but I'll make up for it by wearing a mix of patterns soon.  
Outfit 8-10-11

Hope your week is going well!


  1. I missed it too and was extremely upset since I love mixing patterns as well! I love your necklace, where is it from? That yellow skirt is really cute! Great look!! :)

  2. I love the simplicity of this outfit.  The white and yellow yield a great sunny effect. 

    Complex Cardigans

  3. This Outfit is simple, elegant and adorable!! Especially white and yellow color combination suites on you!! You Look Pretty in this Dress, I especially likes your earrings and necklace as well!! 

  4. bright bold colors totally make up for a lack of pattern - how amazing is that pencil skirt on you!?

  5. Nice combo.  I love brights and the bag is HOT!!  I just discovered Buffalo Exchange while visiting my family in Houston.  So much fun!! Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Thanks lady!  I got my necklace from a vendor at this outdoor market on Capitol Hill in DC called Eastern Market.  I forget the name of the vendor though.

  7. Thanks lady!  I love the Buffalo Exchange!  Wish they had one in DC.  Sometimes their items are a bit overpriced for used, but every so often, I find an item that I really love and is unique.
