Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Earth Shaking

Top: F21; Skirt UO; Shoes: Target; Jewelry: H&M/F21/Francesca's

Experiencing my first earthquake definitely made for a more interesting Tuesday than I expected when I woke up this morning!  Hope the rest of the week proves to be less exciting as far as seismic and weather events go.

outfit 8-23-11

Currently listening to: Watch the Throne by Jay-Z and Kanye West


  1. One's first earthquake experience can be quite a fright.
    I adore your pretty little skirt and top. How lovely you look!
    And of course I love the shoes, too;-)

  2. you look GREAT! i love everything about this outfit.
    i just love the way you do your hair too.
    we felt the earthquake in pa too!

  3. ADORABLE!  This outfit suits you to a "T"!  These pleated skirts are beautiful!!!  ~Serene

  4. Cute look! Your pleated skirt is lovely.
    Well, that was my 1st earthquake experience. *dougies* With that being said, I don't ever want to experience THAT again. Nope, nope, nope. Never. One is enough for me. 

  5. How DID you do through the earthquake?? That definitely would have been scary! 
    You styled the pleated skirt and blouse so beautifully.

  6. Glad you are alright!! I lived in NOVA and worked in MD years ago and never imagined an earthquake there.  Have an awesome week!! Love the mixed patterns!

  7. I love that skirt! Hope the earthquake wasn't too disruptive! 

  8. That earthquake seems so crazy. I just flew out of Pittsburgh back to Houston 2 hours before that occured....

  9. Oh Sorren it was brief but scary!  I guess if I was from somewhere like California where earthquake's are more common it would be no big deal, but my little East Coast self freaked out, lol.

  10. Thanks lady! We tend to freak out over weather and other events in DC, so you can imagine how an earthquake (even a minor one) was here lol.

  11. I really love that pleated skirt - the color and length are perfect.

  12. An earthquake is the last thing I would have expected on the East coast too - it shook some areas of my town but I happened to miss it completely. Oh, and I love your pleated skirt! I am still hunting for one myself.

  13. ooooooo I love this pleates skirt. FIERCE!!!

