Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Pack Light

26 of 30
Top:  Nordstrom (junior's dept); Jeans: UO; Shoes: Target; Bag: vintage; Sunnies: Target

Maybe it's a good thing that I have been gravitating to clutches lately.  I practically had to empty out my whole purse yesterday (my work purse, not the clutch pictured) to find my keys...smh.  I obviously carry around too much stuff.


I'm not sure what I was thinking including jeans in my 30 for 30 items during a
hot and muggy DC summer, but I'm determined to wear them at least this one time (I spend most days in chilly air conditioned buildings anyway).


Happy Wednesday!

Currently listening to: Bag Lady by Erykah Badu


  1. that's a great top! and i ADORE that clutch! i don't own even one but i sure do love the way they look : )

  2. I love this look from head to toe including the clutch.

  3. I carry WAY too much stuff around, but i've been trying to switch out my purses often this summer to get the most use out of them.

  4. Yeah, I carry the most random stuff when I have a big purse. So I try to bring a smaller bag to cut down on clutter. I really like your grey clutch and blouse! 

  5. I do love an oversize clutch, not sure how it would work for a work commute. Love the asymmetrical flap and button

  6. L O V E your bag!

  7. Ohh lovely top! And I like that oversized clutch too.  I can't do jeans in hot weather either... it's 10:30 pm and still 90 degrees out- bleh!

  8. Thanks! and it's true that carrying minimal stuff  in a clutch for a work commute would be tricky. 

  9. Yes girl I know the feeling! Too many times do Ihave to empty my bottomless purses. I really need to buy more structured bags with more compartments!

    Shasie of Live
    Life in Style

    In Time Vintage Giveaway
