Saturday, July 16, 2011

Book Review: Super Rich: A Guide to Having it All

I’ve always loved books (and bring up what I'm reading pretty regularly).  I also truly enjoy discussing what I'm reading.  So it's only fair that I share my views about some of the books I've read here.  I recently finished reading Super Rich: A Guide to Having it All by Russell Simmons. The book title may be a bit misleading because it’s not a prescriptive book on how to get rich quick. Super Rich is really based on the premise that finding peace and happiness in what you're doing being the path to prosperity.

Reading Super Rich was kind of like watching an episode of Oprah’s Masterclass show on the OWN network, with Simmons outlining his personal evolution and his views on success and fulfillment. In the book, Simmons talks about his evolution from a kid from Hollis, Queens that developed his passion for Hip-Hop into a career as Def Jam Records founder/Hip-Hop culture icon, businessman, social media influencer, clothing designer, meditation/yoga enthusiast and philanthropist.

One of my favorite parts of the book was a description of when a recent college graduate approached Simmons and tells him that he wants to be an actor in Hollywood. Simmons tells the young man to stop being a baby (he actually uses stronger language than this but you get the point) and to take the next bus to L.A., get any job that he can and work/hustle as hard as he can until he reaches his goal. The next time Simmons sees the young man, he has “hustled” his way into an exclusive party. By this time, the young man has networked with people in the entertainment industry and started receiving acting opportunities. How inspiring is that!  The idea that hard work and a "hustle mentality" can get you places in life isn't new, but I found it interesting to hear the Russell Simmons perspective on success.

In Super Rich, Simmons explains that while monetary wealth can bring a lot about fun toys and opportunities, true happiness does not come from the things you own. Simmons talks in detail about how yoga, mediation and veganism have influenced his life. I have very little knowledge on these subjects and found Simmon's descriptions of basic tenets of yoga and meditation interesting. Even if you aren't interested in yoga and meditation, I think this is a great book for any young person interested in harnessing their passion for success and personal fulfillment into reality. The main take-away from this book for me was encouragement to go after your dreams, wealth and abundance will follow.

Have you read any enlightening/inspiring books lately?


  1. One of my all time favorite books is The Shack.  Definitely had a profound influence on me!  I can certainly appreciate another perspective of wealth no being defined only monetarily.  ~Serene

  2. Yea I wouldn't have thought that it was more about self-happiness, cool. Wish I had more time to read! Right now I'm struggling to re-read the Harry Potter Books, and my harry potter book.

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