Saturday, July 2, 2011

Adventures in Jewelry Making

17 of 30 bw with text
Top: H&M; Skirt: UO; Necklace: self-made (materials c/o Michael's); Bag: thrifted; 
Sandals: Jessica Simpson via Dillard's

Holy wrinkled skirt!  I had no idea I walked out of the house so wrinkled until I looked at this photo...oh well.  I don't care much for ironing and removing wrinkles in clothing is a bit beyond my current Photoshop skills. Forgive me!

On another note, I was given a giftcard from Michael's and purchased materials to create my first piece of jewelry,  it's been a goal this year to try to explore my crafty side, so this turned out to be a fun project and timely project!  Here is a synopsis of how I made the necklace:

DIY Necklace

If you'd like to explore your own crafty side, use this code to pick up materials to create your own statement piece this summer.


Note: I received a $50 Michael's giftcard to purchase the materials to create my necklace.  I chose to write about this project because I thought it would interest my readers and will always make an effort to be transparent about any items or materials I receive.


  1. Oooh, very nice necklace!  Sometimes, I forget how simple it is to create a statement piece!  I shall get started on one right away!  :D  Thanks for the inspiration!  

  2. I love the necklace!  It's so summery and my favorite part is the blue/green disk in the center. Working for a jewelry company, I've tried many times to create things but ultimately have to accept that I have no talent for design :(

  3. Great job with the necklace it turned out beautiful. I love finding DIY projects and I'm trying to be more crafty too.  Love the yellow bag!! :)

  4. I'm so in love with craft stores! Love them! Very cool necklace, great DIY

    Live Life in

  5. I love that you always use selective color to make your photos pop! The necklace came out great, and I do love the color!

  6. I agree with Lyddiegal, this is a great technique!

    The necklace is stunning! 


  7. Ummm where did you get the necklace "maker" (for lack of better word)! I love it!! I need one of those!!

  8. Thanks lady!  I bought the bead placement thing (don't know correct word) from Michaels.  It came in a kit that had fastenings and wire for making earrings, neckalces and bracelets.  It was around $20 if I recall correctly. 
