Thursday, June 23, 2011

Style Profile: God's Favorite Shoes

Style Profile: Gods Favorite Shoes - 1
Photos courtesy of Reiko of God's Favorite Shoes

For this edition of Shen Style Profiles, Reiko of the fantastic blog, God's Favorite Shoes was kind enough to answer a few questions about her style I love Reiko's eclectic sense of style and her fab bag collection.  Now let's get down to the questions!

Shen Dove: What inspired you to start your blog and how did you come up with the title? 

Reiko: God's Favorite Shoes really was born out of boredom. I was already browsing blogs for a while and I love to write, so it was the perfect marriage! The title...I wish I could say that it was some clever strategic move but it was created while I was in one of my "in my own zone" moments. I knew the name had to be catchy but I also had an internal conversation with myself one day about what would God's favorite shoes look like if vanity wasn't a it a sin? Probably not...but still...these are things I think about!

Shen Dove: How would you describe your personal style? Is it influenced by your career/job? 

Reiko: My style has evolved over time. I guess I would call it classic with a touch of funk? I like to dress up basics with something unexpected. My style is definitely NOT influenced by my career. I RUE the day that I look like a apples or school bus on my cardigans EVER!!

Shen Dove: You have a great collection of bags and I love your clutches in particular!  What are your favorite stores/boutiques/thrift stores to purchases clutches and handbags in general?

Reiko: I am obsessed with clutches...especially oversized clutches. I usually find my faves in thrift stores (Salvation Army, Goodwill, etc.) but I'm also an equal opportunist when it comes to bags. I borrow my mother in law's vintage bags but I also heart the ones from American Apparel and my DIY buddy, DIY RAVEN.

Shen Dove: How has the city/town you live in influenced your style?

Reiko: I live in Houston where the devil usually sits on the sun wearing a pair of Gucci shades...holding an iced tea. It's year round summer around these parts so sandals, skirts, etc. Other than that, I don't know if Houston has a direct influence of my style. Whenever I go to Philly or NY though...I feel like I'm among my "style family and friends."

Style Profile: God's Favorite Shoes 2

Shen Dove: What items are you excited about wearing this summer? 

Reiko: STRIPES! And I think I might be going on a cruise this I'm excited to find a retro swimsuit to complement all of this jelly:)

Shen Dove: Looking your best doesn't necessarily mean spending your entire paycheck; do you have any tips for shopping on a budget? 

Reiko: My biggest tip would be to reinvent how you wear something that's already in your closet. Something as simple as wearing your maxi skirt as a dress...throw on some big hoops, a men's belt, light cardi and wedges and you have a whole new outfit! Also, look at your blouses differently. Do you have any silk blouses that button down the front? Why not wear the buttons in the back instead of the front! BAM! I'm all about the details and shopping in your own closet!

Shen Dove: Please name a film, tv or book character that embodies your current personal style. Can you explain your choice? 

Reiko: Dangit, the last books I read were The Hunger Games books, which is about a renegade teenager forced to fight for her life in a jungle/obstacle course. I'm not trying to pull that look off! If on any given day I feel like I am channeling "Joan from Girlfriends meets Carrie, Miranda, or Charlotte from SATC"...then I'm good.

Shen Dove: Your description of the style you try to channel is spot on!  Btw, I loved the Hunger Games trilogy (I have a penchant for young adult literature), but it's not a style I'd try to imitate either!

Style Profile: God's Favorite Shoes 4

Shen Dove: Do you have a piece of advice you'd like to convey to anyone interested in starting a blog that you wish someone had told you? 

Reiko: I wish someone would have told me not to write a million page posts in the beginning. People get ADD after about 2 minutes of reading so keep it simple. Also, find your own voice for your blog. It becomes obvious when you are trying to copy a style or formula in your writing. I try to share my personality through each post:)

Shen Dove: Do you have any personal style rules you live by? If so, what are they? 

Reiko: Try things that you wouldn't normally try. For example, last year the trend was wearing socks with heels. I saw so many bloggers doing it and it looked cute. I tried it. And hated it. Granted I didn't walk out of the house but atleast I can say I tried it. The other one is dress for your size! Jumping Jehosophat! Don't get me started so I'll just leave it at that!

Shen Dove: I love all of your answers, thanks for the interview!

So, check out more great fashion and style at God's Favorite Shoes!


  1. Awww this was beautifully done! Thank you so much! I'm gonna tweet the link! Thank you lady!

  2. No, thank you for the interview lady!

  3. I loved this interview, I will have to check out her blog!

    Live Life in

  4. With Reiko you can be sure that you will have fun. It was a great interview....
