Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Start of Summer

Cardigan: Nordstrom (junior's dept.); Top: H&M; Skirt: altered and thrifted; 
Sunnies: Target

  I'm a day behind on photos, so is actually yesterday's outfit, but the colors in my outfit are colorful which I think is appropriate for the start of the summer season.


I wish I could take credit for fashioning this former halter dress into a midi length skirt, but I can't.  I took it to my local cleaner's to get it altered, but it was my idea in the first place!  The dress was three sizes too big and I couldn't see myself getting much wear out of a halter dress, so a skirt seemed like a wiser option.  You can only push an office dress code so far after all.  One of these day's I'll follow through on my bucket list goal of learning to sew...

IMG_2644 desat

Here's to a great summer season!

Currently reading: Super Rich by Russell Simmons


  1. See at least you have a desire to learn how to sew. I don't even want to bother. How pathetic! :)

    You look fantastic, I really adore the pop of yellow in the cardigan! That's perfect!

  2. That skirt is so fun! I really, really, really like it

    Live Life in

  3. I love how colorful this outfit is!  I have a huge pile of clothing that's been accumulating for like a year that I want minimally or radically altered and yet don't want to pay for.  Um, about those sewing lessons...

  4. FAB! As always! You have such a talent and way with color, lady!

    So What If I Like Pretty Things

  5. great outfit for the first day of summer!  love the bright yellow and red, the colors in the skirt.  and they did a great alteration job, the fit is very flattering.

  6. i do not comment, but I follow your blog. I love your style, which is chic and fun, but work-appropriate at the same time :) good luck on the 30x30 challenge

  7. Learning to sew is on my to do list too.  What a brilliant idea turning the dress into a skirt - it looks great! xx

  8. What a great way to turn a dress into a skirt. You've just given me an idea on one of my dresses which I have not worn in a while. Love your style and photos too.. Do stop by when you can. Would love to hear from you and feel free to provide feedbacks. Cheers, Joanna

    Link: http://dunderdogfashionistas.blogspot.com/

  9. Turning it into a skirt was a good choice and the colors in this look are perfect. I love seeing people style a whole outfit with all bright colors. Lovely! :)

  10. itsrainingonmyfaceJune 28, 2011 at 4:24 AM

    This outfit is adorable! I love the length of the skirt and the bold yellow sweater. Just found your blog through Spoils of Wear, and I am officially hooked ;)
