Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fuchsia and Navy


Top: Tucker for Target; Skirt: Forever 21; Shoes: Target; Sunnies: Target; Bag: thrifted originally Target

As much as I love this top, I have struggled with figuring out what to wear with it since I purchased it several months ago.  It didn't quite look right to me when paired with a black or gray pencil skirt.  But some how, this fuchsia skirt feels right with it!  Discovering new ways to wear clothing you already own is almost like shopping. I heart remixing!


Speaking of remixing, I decided that I will participate in Kendi's 30 for 30 challenge (for the second summer in a row) when it starts next week.  It will be a good exercise in keeping my clothing shopping in check this summer. If you also plan to participate in the 30 for 30, let me know so I can cheer you on in your progress!



  1. I was going to do the summer 30 for 30, but it requires too much creativity for my office. I wouldn't be allowed to wear half the combinations I came up with!

    I love that skirt so, so much. It's fantastic! I'm glad you found a way to wear that top, too. You look awesome!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  2. I love that top! It's such a nice print (and so different from the maroon with flowers tucker print that everyone and their mother has).
    I think your pairing is perfect and you look so great in those sunnies!

  3. Beautifully done! I can't imagine that blouse with any other color but fuschia :)

    So What If I Like Pretty Things

  4. Love the fuchsia skirt.
    I was planning to join the 30 for 30. I've never one done before so I'm kinda excited.

  5. the tiers on your skirt are so pretty! 
    and i'm in for the next 30 for 30 too :)

  6. I love your hair!!!!

  7. Thanks lady! Coming up with work appropriate outfits with a strict dress code can be a challenge for the 30 for 30.  But you are a great remixer without it!

  8. Thanks lady!  I liked so many pieces from that Tucker for Target line. 

    These are my favorite sunnies of the moment : )

  9. Thanks!  I look forward to seeing how you remix in the 30 for 30!

  10. Aw, thanks, I appreciate that! :) Good luck with the challenge!

  11. I've been loving that pink and red trend. This shirt with a little red blazer or cardigan with jeans would be amazing. 

  12. I love this look!  The blouse looks amazing with the fuchsia skirt, it really brings out the flowers! 
