Friday, May 13, 2011

Friend Friday: Outside Influences

This week's Friend Friday questions revolve around outside influences. As usual, Katy's questions are thought provoking.  As a blogger, it's a given that blogs inspire and influence me, but I have influences outside of blogs that I haven't talked about as much.  So here are my answers!

What magazine's do you subscribe to?  I am currently subscribed to Marie Claire, Lucky and Inc Magazine.  As much as I love magazines, I've come to the conclusion that 2-3 magazine subscriptions are enough reading material for a given month.  I do occasionally rotate my subscriptions, But I've consistently subscribed to Lucky for the past few years.  Inc is a newer addition to my subscriptions and I'd recommend it to anyone interested in business/entrepreneurship.

Do you watch fashion TV shows?  I watch movies more than TV for my fashion inspiration.  But I do on occasion watch fashion TV shows like Project Runway and the Rachel Zoe Project. I'll also throw in my guilty pleasure since it is a TV show but not specifically a fashion TV show though clothing is prominently featured...Gossip Girl.

Beyond blogs, what websites do you frequent for fashion inspiration? I occasionally read Refinery 29, Who What Wear and the Style section of the New York Times...that's about it.

Advertisements play a huge role in forming public opinion about a product or a brand. What ads do you like and why?  I enjoy look books from stores I shop frequent (or aspire to shop at in the future).  To be honest, I pay more attention to television and print ads that have nothing to do with fashion that I find humorous.

Do you own any fashion books?  I've read quite a few fashion books over the past year or so. A few of them have turned up on my seasonal book lists.  But I'm pretty choosy these days about the books I actually purchase. I only have one book that would be considered a "fashion book" which is a coffee table book called Fashion: A History from 18th to 20th Century by Taschen.

Fashion Beauty Friend Friday is a Google group for bloggers to discuss/answer questions on a given topic each week. Visit Katy of Modly Chic if you are interested in participating.


  1. Yes I struggle with just 2 magazine subscriptions, I can't imagine more!

  2.  Hope that you had a wonderful Friday!  Will have to check out your seasonal book lists. I think Inc, and entrepreneur is also a good mag for potential business owners, etc.FASHION TALES

  3. Great answers! I would also recommend InStyle magazine. It's my fav. Hahaha I love Gossip Girl

    ShasieLive Life in Style

  4. So i watch Rachel Zoe and i read Refinery 29 and The Cut blog for fashion inspiration, although i don't do any of it religiously. But i would like to get a fashion book. great answers!

  5. Somehow I feel a little embaressed admitting to watching America's Next Top Model.   

  6.  Gossip Girl totally counts as a fashion show!  I used to subscribe to a lot more fashion magazines but I definitely agree, it's difficult to keep up with more than three/month.  
