Thursday, April 7, 2011


I guess this is blazer week for me, since I'm wearing yet another one today.

Outfit 4.7.11_2

Blazer: Loft; Top: H&M; Skirt: Thrifted; Belt: Urban Outfitters; Shoes: Target; Tights: Target; 
Jewelry: H&M and Jess LC

Being the news junkie that I am, I couldn't help but to mention this, but is anyone else distracted by the news these days and the idea that the federal government might shut down on Friday?  *Shaking my Head*  I'm not sure if it's the hot topic of discussion in other cities,  but it certainly is in DC...

Outfit 4.7.11_3

On another note (more positive note), it just occurred to me that I wear a lot of Urban Outfitters'd think I worked there or something. I only shop at UO when items go on sale, but some of my favorite staples like this belt were purchased there.


Okay, I think I'll go back to being distracted by the news now...


  1. I am going to wear a blazer today too!! I <3 Blazers!

    Monique xx

  2. Love your outfit, esp. the skirt!

    I am so worried about the gov't shutting down; I work outside of DC in the Shenandoah Valley area of VA, but I work for the Dept. of Army and I am not enthused about a shut down AT ALL!

  3. God's Favorite ShoesApril 7, 2011 at 10:19 AM

    I'm loving your blazer collection. I tend to collect blazers too. I think it initially started when I was more "top heavy" (breast reduction 10 years ago). I used them as a cover up.

    Now...I just still love them (even though I'm still top heavy:)

    P.S...This is random but I LOVE that wall you take pics in front of!

  4. your blazer kick is fantastic! i like seeing more of your collection!

  5. love this outfit esp. that skirt. it's thrifted no wonder it stood out to me!

    I was also shocked at the fed government news. they really need to get it together. on a positive note i guess the shutdown means an instant tax extension for some

  6. I'm the same way with Victoria's Secret, I have a bazillion items from them but it's b/c they have super amazing clearances. Beautiful skirt, Shen my Dove, don't let the news get you down too much..

  7. I WISH I had more things from UO. I own one cardigan and my mom bought it for me back in high school :D I was even poorer then. And yes, I did hear something about the government shutting down. What the what?

  8. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the shut down is somehow avoided but we'll see what happens...I think many of us in the DC and Metro area are hoping for a positive outcome.

  9. Thanks lady! Blazers are awesome and so versatile. I don't buy them that often anymore, but the ones I have are staples.

  10. Thanks lady! I have a few more that will be making appearances on the blog soon : )

  11. True, true, guess we have to look on the bright side of the situation. And thanks! My skirt was ankle length when I first purchased it, but fit perfectly in the waist, so I couldn't resist.

  12. Thanks lady! I guess if nothing else I'm loyal to stores : )
    I feel much better now that I've but myself on a news ban for the rest of the day!

  13. This outfit is beautiful and screams spring. The shirt and skirt work so well together that I thought they were a dress!

    Unfortunately up here in the north I had no idea about the federal government shutting down, what the what is that about?

  14. Blazers always look polished, so blaze away!
    I'm not really a news junkie, but I try to keep up. All the news about the possible shut just pisses me off, mainly because of all of the political BS that has gone on and gotten us to this point. Makes me want to move to Antarctic where there are no politicians.

  15. I love blazers, and I love UO's sales!! I'd shop there all the time if they weren't so over priced to start.

  16. haha, nothing wrong with adding a blazer to anything... and everything. It's always my go to when I feel like I need to pull an outfit together.

    I especially love it over the floral dress!

  17. your blazer looks great! Blazers add instant polish tp anything and I love them too! Love your outfit

  18. Ahh I love Urban Outfitters for belts but yeah, not worth it if they're not on sale. They were trying to sell this nautical belt made of like clothesline rope there last year for $48... no. I'm so jealous of your floaty light fabrics right now. It poured again today and all I want is to bring out some transitional pieces!

  19. I love this dress!!! Your site is cute!

