Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Reading List

Spring is almost here, so it's time for another seasonal reading list!  It's funny that I've been thinking over a Spring clothing wish list for days, but I have my reading list all ready to go. I think it's because with clothing, I get overwhelmed with trying to stretch my money as far as possible, where as I get most of my books from my local library or Paperbackswap : ) Choices are always easier when there is very little money involved.  I will undoubtedly read more than four books this spring because I'm a pretty fast reader, but these are the only books that come to mind that I'd like to cross off my to-read list. 

Love for No Reason by Marci Shimoff - I really enjoyed Marci Shimoff's last book Happy for No Reason, so I knew I'd add her latest book to my to-read list when I heard about it.  I also think it's awesome that she often responds to tweets from readers on Twitter, so I can actually tell her about how I felt about the book after I finish it.

The Missing Mentor by Mary E. Stutts - This book was given to me several months ago and it looks like an interesting and helpful read for young professional women.

I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore - So I admit I sometimes enjoy reading books written for teens.  I loved The Hunger Games trilogy; it was disturbing but very compelling.  I'd heard the buzz about the I am Number Four book and movie, so I figured I'd give this book a try first and if I like it, see the movie as well.

What to Wear, Where? by Hillary Kerr and Katherine Power - I enjoy reading about current trends on the Who What Wear blog, so I thought I'd read this book.

What's on your reading list this spring?

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