Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Almost Color Blocked

Shirt: H&M; Cardigan: Old Navy; Skirt: Forever 21; Necklace: Forever 21

I didn't realize until I looked at these pictures that I would have accidentally been "on-trend" if I had chosen a solid colored shirt in a bold color and switched out my tights for a more colorful pair.  I'll definitely try that later on this season with this skirt.

On a completely different note, I have an admission to make.  I totally quit Project 365  already.  I honestly wasn't feeling inspired every day and decided to stop since it was no longer fun.  I might try a modified version and just take a photo a week.  I still think it's a fun way to document the year, but a picture a day especially in the winter time was challenging for me because of the lack of sunlight in the evenings when I actually had time to take photos.  I'm feeling way more inspired now that spring is here.  I don't usually like to quit things, but it was really beginning to become a chore.  I really commend folks that make it the entire year without missing a day.

I'm a little behind on my blog visiting/commenting this week, but plan to catch up over the next day or so! 


  1. I know color blocking is really big right now, but I love the way you're wearing this! I think the striped shirt looks so pretty with the bold pink skirt and turquoise necklace!

  2. Thanks! Color blocking is awesome, but to me striped shirts never go out of style : - )

  3. I love your skirt! Also I really like your necklace, it looks very Anthropologie . Please do wear this again with colorful tights! I love this outfit and I want to see that skirt again soon!

  4. Thanks lady, I definitely will : )

  5. Oh my goodness. I swear to you that if I was even in a 20 mile radius necklace, I would do a "snatch by" so it quick!
