Thursday, March 17, 2011

Accidentally Festive

Cardigan: Old Navy; Dress: Target; Shoes: Target; Earrings: Mod Cloth; Necklace: Jess LC

I wasn't originally going to post a picture of today's outfit, but because I was accidentally festive, I decided to go ahead and post it.  To be completely honest, I didn't actually realize it was Saint Patrick's Day until after I was already dressed this morning and it was mentioned on the news...whoops!  Talk about flukes.  I guess I get a pass on not being aware of the holiday since I'm not actually Irish : )


  1. You look so springy! This outfit reminds me a little bit of a garden that's just beginning to bloom! I almost didn't wear green today but then decided no, I totally have to, especially since I love Ireland (great to visit in the summer when it's 60 degrees there and like 100 here).

  2. I totally forgot about the holiday as well! But you look so cute.

  3. This outfit is beautiful!!! Love it!! Your hair is amazing.

  4. Thanks! Since I don't have an actual garden it's nice to know my outfit resembles one : )

  5. Glad to know I wasn't the only one : )

  6. I think your subconscious totally knew that it was St Patrick's day! It's the magic of the irish, I'm telling you ;) This outfit is adorable, and I think the kelly green cardigan was such a nice touch!!

    xo, Ashley

  7. That green looks lovely on you and works so nicely with the dress. We'll just say that you wore green for me - because despite my Irish heritage, and being fully aware of the holiday, I did not wear any green!

    The Auspicious Life
