Sunday, March 6, 2011

30 of 30: Finale!



What happens when you get to the very end of the 30 for 30 and your brain isn't capable of remixing anymore?  You turn your shirt backwards so the collar falls in a different place and fold your dress in half to make it a skirt. I stood in my bedroom with my 30 for 30 items tossed on my bed for entirely too long to come up with this outfit...oh well. During Kendi's winter 30 for 30, I've worn a few outfit remixes that I've never worn before on this blog or in real life.  Overall, I really enjoyed doing the 30 for 30 this time around.  I have appreciated all of the lovely comments I've received during the challenge from fellow participants (and non-participants)!  It's also been so great to see how other bloggers remix their clothing in such unique ways. I've definitely garnered some inspiration from quite a few bloggers when I was stumped on what to wear.

So here are a few lessons learned I learned this time around:
  1. Make sure your footwear does not need to be repaired.  One of the two pairs of heels I included basically fell apart, so they only got worn once...
  2. Remember to include flat shoes other than boots. Some non-boot flats would have come in handy on a few warm days we had in DC in February. 
  3. Remember that winter requires more clothing layers.  February had diverse weather temperatures in DC; from the frigid cold to down right balmy.  Another cardigan might have come in handy on a few cold days.
  4. Plan outfits ahead of time, so you don't run out of ideas at the very end of the challenge.  The last week of the challenge was a bit difficult, because I didn't plan outfits out ahead of time. 
  5. Remixing outfits tends to be more fun when it's done with a group!  I've really enjoyed visiting other blogs of 30 for 30 participants and appreciate the comments of fellow remixers which really helped me to keep going and not give up in the middle of the challenge though I had a few days where I wanted to.
  6. I actually come up with better outfits when my choices are limited. Buying more clothing doesn't always translate into better outfits.  This is something I'll keep in mind when I am purchasing some spring items. 

Regardless of whether you were a 30 for 30 participant or not, what are some lessons you've learned about your personal style or shopping habits this winter?
    Shirt: H&M
    Dress (worn as skirt): Mod Cloth
    Cardigan: Forever 21
    Shoes: Go Jane
    Belt: Nordstrom (Junior's dept)
    Necklace: Forever 21


      1. Congrats on finishing! After cleaning out my closet yesterday (I'm trying to force spring to come by putting away some of my winter things) I've come to realize that I have far too much. And you are right, when I have fewer options it's easier to get dressed. Plus I don't feel guilty about having so many unworn clothes in my closet.

      2. Congratulations!! Doesn't it feel good to wear what you want again, lol!

      3. I love this! I love the necklace.

        I missed the 30 for 30 challenge but this makes me want to do it. I can totally see it actually being easier when you have fewer options ... I like shopping at stores with fewer clothing racks because walking into a huge department store is just so overwhelming, I don't even know where to start.

      4. Congrats on finishing up!!! I love this outfit. The pattern on the skirt is great. :)

      5. I'm glad the 30 for 30 was a fun challenge for you!
        I think your remixes are great and very diverse!

      6. I totally need to jump on this remix next time. It sounds like it's a good teacher!

      7. Thanks! Cleaning your closet is such a great idea at this time of year! I plan to do the same.

      8. Thanks! It does feel good to have access to all of my clothes again : )

      9. Thanks! I definitely agree, sometimes too many options can be overwhelming in a store!

      10. Thanks! It did indeed turn out to be fun this time around.

      11. You should totally do it next time! It's fun to rediscover your own clothing through remixing.

      12. I love how versatile you've made that dress, I've seen it many different ways but it always looks fresh! Congrats on finishing!
        I've learned that when it's still tights season (through mid-May probably) not having brown tights is severely limiting (my last pair developed several holes about a month ago) and makes me want to go buy clothes. When really I should just go buy tights :)
