Tuesday, March 1, 2011

25 of 30: Popped collar


It completely slipped my mind to do the last installment of Melissa and Hope's Fabulous in February yesterday and name three positive things about myself for the week, so I'll participate today instead because I don't like leaving things unfinished:

  1. I love that I'm naturally a goal-oriented person.  I really thrive when I set goals and work toward them.   
  2. I love the fact that little kids love me.  I suspect that it's partly because of my small size, but I've never met a small child that didn't like me. 
  3. I love the fact that I'm a neat and organized person and that I'm pretty good at keeping clutter at a minimum in my personal space.

On another note, I'm in the final stretch of the 30 for 30 and though I'm looking forward to having access to more items in my closet, I kind of like the fact that having fewer options to choose from usually translates to getting ready faster in the mornings because I'm not thinking too hard about what to wear.  As I've mentioned before outfit planning ahead of time is not a strong suit unless I'm packing for a trip so that is one habit I hope to carry over into March and beyond.  On another note, when I wore this outfit, I was asked if I was aware that the collar of my blazer was up and I had to explain that my "popped collar" was actually on purpose...I found it kind of funny.


Out of curiosity, have you ever made a styling choice that others thought was an accident?

Blazer: Forever 21
Jeans: Gap
Necklace: Eastern Market vendor
Earrings: gifted


  1. i'm against popped collars that involve double-layered polo shirts, but this one i can appreciate! it looks great with your necklace!

  2. Thanks! I forgot about the double polo popped collar trend, lol.

  3. Yea! I'm so happy you finished Fab in Feb out! :) It was great getting to know you better through this! :)

  4. No, they knew it was on purpose but they thought I was an idiot. It's okay though. ;)

    I love the mixed neutrals in this outfit! And I love your three positives today, better late than never is what I say!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  5. I like the popped up collar a lot! And the rolled up sleeves.
    And yes, I've worn things (shirts, tights) with holes and people thought it was bizarre.
