Sunday, February 27, 2011

23 of 30: Seeing Red

Excuse the slight frown I have in some of these photos, I was feeling under the weather the day I took them.  To be honest, I was not loving this outfit after I put it together, but didn't have time to rethink it and change before I left the house.  

Oh well, every outfit won't be a winner which is why I don't typically take outfit photos on a daily basis, (more like 2 - 3 times a week).  I'm going to shoot for outfit photos 5 days a week once I'm finished with the 30 for 30 this week (yay!), but 7 days is a bit grueling for me personally.

I had to take a moment of silence to mourn the loss of my bracelet on the day I wore this outfit.  It broke as I took it off.  I was so bummed.  It worked so perfectly as a necklace and a bracelet.  I can't remember which Etsy seller I purchased it from, but I will definitely try to track down the seller in hopes of finding a replacement.

Blazer: Macy's (boy's section
Blouse: Urban Outfitters
Skirt: H&M
Boots: Marshalls


  1. your red skirt is super hot. i love how you've dressed it here.

  2. Well I really like this outfit : ) The skirt is great. I love all the pleating. Hope you feel better!

  3. Oh, that is a pretty red bracelet. I hope you can find another one. It worked so well with this outfit.

    The Auspicious Life

  4. I know this isn't your favorite but I like it a lot! That red skirt is just so flowy and pretty!

  5. I definitely hope I can replace my bracelet...breaking it was a low point of that day.
