Wednesday, February 23, 2011

20 of 30: Keeping it simple


I can't believe I only have 10 more days to go to the 30 for 30 challenge!  This month has really flown by.  I'll have to check in on my goals for the year soon to make sure I'm still on track.  I have to make 2011 count!  This outfit was simple and comfortable and my scarf was surprisingly warm.  As much as I love color, it's always nice to take a break from it and go back to a simple color palette.


It's kind of a bummer that these sunglasses are my current favorites because they actually belong to my Mom...


 Happy Wednesday!

Shirt: H&M
Jeans: Gap
Scarf: c/o The Limited via Lucky Mag
Boots: Marshalls
Sunnies: Borrowed

Currently listening to: 'Rumour Has It' by Adele


  1. What a fun way to wear neutrals!!! I love that polka dot scarf and mixed with the stripes = AWESOMENESS!!! You look great!

    Come take a look inside A Working Mom's Closet

  2. I love the dots and stripes together, it looks so cute!! meanwhile, almost ALL my favourite things are or were my moms... I just forget to give them back to her. Okay okay i'm kidding...we have an understanding, where i can keep anything of hers i like. It's freaking awesome!

  3. I love the outfit, simple and fab. :)

    Fashion Rehab

  4. Stripes and polka dots; so brazen, I love it! Your mom has totally great sunglass-style, my mom is sooo jealous (I assume she is anyways).

  5. Wohoo! You're almost there! I love your simple outfit and it's a great mix of stripes and polka dots! =)

  6. Stripes and polka dots! I haven't seen that on anyone in a long time and it's the first pattern mixing I ever did... when I was like eight :) I might have to go and see if I have any stripes and polka dots that will go together now.

  7. Simple and chic. But not too simple. You are mixing some beautiful stripes and spots, missy. And that is more complex that what a lot of us do!

    The Auspicious Life

  8. Thanks Megan!

    I sometimes 'borrow' accessories permanently from my Mom too : )
    But I think she likes these sunglasses, so I'll be good and return them after I wear them.
    I might look for a similar pair when I do my spring shopping.

  9. Thanks! I'll be sure to tell my Mom you like her sunglasses : )
    Yay for Moms with great accessories you can borrow!

  10. Thanks! This challenge is really flying by! Can't believe it's almost over.

  11. I'm sure pattern mixing will work for you now as well as they did when you were eight : )
    Give it a try so I can see how you style dots and stripes!

  12. Thanks Linda! It's been fun bringing accessories like scarves into my outfits more to give them a different look. I'll have to make sure I keep it up when the 30 for 30 is over.

  13. This might be my favorite outfit from your set! So cute!
