Sunday, February 13, 2011

11 of 30: Sparkly Teal


I know this has nothing to do with my outfit, but one day, I'm going to write a whole book about the conversations I overhear on my daily travels on public transportation. On Friday when I wore this outfit, I was on the subway and overheard a group of teens talk about how indignant they are when they have to relinquish their seats to elderly and handicapped people on the train or bus...smh. I felt a strong desire to lecture them, but they were considerably bigger than me so I just left it I've learned over the years that sometimes well intentioned advice is not well received. I really that hope age and experience makes those teens kinder to their elders and the less fortunate.


But on a more positive note, I meet kind people of all ages on a regular basis in real life and through blogging and other forms of social media. Actually, a day later, I was on another public transportation vehicle and several people willingly gave up their seats to elderly riders. That really raised my spirits. I hope that when I'm a little old lady, people will be kind enough to give up their seat if I'm in need of one.

Well that's all for now.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Sweater: H&M
Skirt: The Loft
Shoes: Target
Earrings: purchased in Mexico


  1. I am sure someone will give up their seat for you. :) But you have a LONG ways to go before you find out!

    You look absolutely beautiful in this teal! Such a gorgeous outfit with the slim pencil skirt too.

  2. Love the photos!!! You look gorgeous!!


  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day
    Would love to read your book and those rude!
    I truly hope my teens are better behaved, but I guess I will never know.
    The color of your top is one of my favs.
    I have a dress that color in my 30 for 30 that I have yet to wear.

  4. loving the sparkly teal! that color looks so pretty on you.

    I often have to shake my head at what the younger generation says these days but I hope it is that they are just being teenagers and will not actually grow up thinking that!

  5. Love that sweater! You look so pretty in blue. The bus is always quite the experience for me too! I can't believe how rude people can be, one time a boy got up so I could sit I was blown away that a boy would give his seat to a girl!
