Friday, January 7, 2011

Friend Friday: Measuring Up

Happy Friday folks! Hope you have sufficiently recovered from your holiday fun. I've already started plotting and planning all of the things I'd like to accomplish, I think 2011 is going to be the best year yet! To get the year off to a good start, here is my first Friend Friday post of the New Year!

  1. Have you ever looked at someone's blog and thought yours would never measure up? Just like anything else, it can become very easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others. This is especially easy in the blogosphere because there are SO MANY talented, creative bloggers out there; many of whom attain a lot of attention/success from their blogging. But blogging success will be different for each and every blogger and I hope to define it for myself.
  2. Do you feel pressure to live up to some undefined 'standard' for fashion bloggers? I do occasionally feel pressure to live up to a 'blogging standard', but every time I begin to feel that way, I remind myself of why I started blogging in the first place; because I love writing, I love style and fashion and I love expressing creativity in small ways. I can only worry about being the best Shen Dove I can be. I've learned so much about fashion and style since blogging and am sure as I learn more that my blog will have more to offer to my readers, so that encourages me to keep plugging away.
  3. Many established bloggers are also extraordinary DIY'ers, bakers, crafty people. Do you think you need to combine all of these things to be successful at blogging ? I don't necessarily think you need to do all of those things to have a successful blog. Though I so admire bloggers that can do all of those great things, I don't consider myself to be very crafty, so I don't see myself focusing on DIY or craft projects in the future on my blog, I'll more likely mention bloggers who've done fantastic things in those spheres so you can visit them directly to learn from their skills. But I do love travel, baking, art projects, positive thinking/goal-making, interviewing other bloggers, interviewing entrepreneurs and learning where to shop (on a budget!) in my city and other cities I visit, so those will become things I'll focus on going forward. I think bloggers should focus on topics that they really enjoy and if that happens to be baking, DIY, and crafty stuff, that's fab; but it's also okay to focus on other things as well.
  4. The most successful blogs are the ones that have their own personal voice - how are you developing your voice or how did you find yours? I think the process of developing my own voice is still in progress, but I'd say my voice comes through in my writing style; I pretty much write the way I'd talk to you in person and I'd like to continue to develop my writing style as I blog more. I try to have my pictures or other visuals on the blog relate well to what I've written because I've always considered myself to be a writer/blogger first and creator of images (outfit photos, collages, etc.) second.
  5. Toot your own horn...what's the one thing that is unique to your blog? What gives your blog an edge? My sense of style is a unique facet to my blog. I dress in away that accommodates my figure type, daily life and preferences and though I get my inspiration from many places, my style is really my own. Style evolves over time obviously and trends changes, but I think I'm always true to my personal aesthetic.
If you're interested in participating in Friend Friday, visit the creator of Friend Friday, Modly Chic to learn more!


  1. I love your style and the way you use colors. I found you when you did the 30 for 30 the first time around and I've been visiting every since. I think your style is what makes you unique and I love it!

    The Auspicious Life

  2. @Linda Thanks, that's so nice of you to say! Thanks for visiting, I love your blog too!
