Friday, January 28, 2011

Friend Friday: Blogger Mechanics

Happy Friday folks! This week's Friend Friday questions focus on the mechanics of blogging. I am pretty simple when it comes to the technology I use for blogging. But the items that I use are quite integral to creating content for my blog. So let's get down to answering the questions!

1. What technology do you use in blogging? (computer, camera, video camera, tripod, etc...).
Camera: I use a Canon Powershot SD1200 IS. This camera does a pretty good job of capturing my images and I love the color (orange!). My goal for 2011 is to 'master' this camera, so I can move up to my first DSLR next year. I can't with good a conscience spend a load on a camera if I am not fully utilizing the one I already own!

canon powershot
Tripod: For the majority of my pictures, I use a Targus tripod I purchased from Target. I'd love to invest in a better tripod eventually, but for now, this one does the job!

targus camera tripod

Computer: I use my personal MacBook to do my blogging that I’ve had for about 2 years. I love my little MacBook and don’t see going back to a PC for my personal computer use anytime soon!


2. What computer and online technology do you use (blogging system, photo storage, photo editing tools, etc..)? I currently use a combination of Adobe Photoshop and iPhoto to edit my photos. I am a novice Photoshop user but I hope to improve my skills over the course of the year. I actually plan to obtain a certificate in print/web design because I discovered through maintaining my blog that there is so much that I’d love to learn about design and making my images look better! I currently store most of my photos for the blog with Flickr but have used Smug Mug in the past as well. I haven’t had any major issues with Flickr so far, so I’ll stick with it for now.

3. What is your process for taking pictures? I am a pretty novice photographer as well. I’m also pretty picky about my pictures, so rather than subject my friends/family/random people to requests to take my photos, I usually take most of them myself. I usually set up my tripod, adjust the angle if necessary and set the timer on my camera since I don’t currently own a camera remote. I’m self-conscious about taking photos in the sight of other people (I know…I must get over that), so if other people are around I usually hastily pack up my tripod and move on. I usually take a minimum of five shots before I stop. If I have more time I can take as many as 15 to 20 photos. It really pays to take my time with the photo-taking process, because when I rush, I tend to capture more images that are not usable.

4. When it comes to backdrops for your photos what do you consider? Do you scout locations or shoot the same spot daily? To be honest, I am not very adventurous in my photo locations. Whether I’m indoors or outdoors, I typically stick to a basic brick wall. I usually opt for a simple photo backdrop and keep the focus on my outfit. But as the days get longer with the arrival of spring, I definitely plan to change up my backdrops and scout other locations. There are a lot of beautiful spots and historical monuments (obviously, I live in DC!) in the city I'd like to use for my photos in the future. I'm also participating in Project 365 so I'd really like to capture more images in general throughout the year.


5. If you could splurge and get one new piece of equipment what would you be buying? I have a wish list of things I’d splurge on rather than one item. I’d love to eventually purchase a "beginner" DSLR camera, a camera remote and register for a beginner’s photography class. I’d also love to purchase a camera light and backdrop for my apartment. The lighting is not conducive to good photos in my home, even in broad daylight, so I'm afraid photos of where I live will be kept to a minimum on this blog. But for now, I’ll visit my local library for digital photography books, surf the web for online tutorials, save my pennies for a camera and patiently wait for spring to arrive so I can take my photos in natural light in the evenings or early mornings again.

Every blogger has different preferences on the equipment they prefer to use, but I say find out whatever works for you and go for it! Blogging is a good excuse to keep your technology equipment and skills such as photography and design current anyway! If you're interested in participating in Friend Friday, visit the creator of Friend Friday, Katy over at Modly Chic to learn more.


  1. i want a new DSLR camera!

    Valentine's Day Preparation Pt. 1:

  2. this made me LOL "I’m self-conscious about taking photos in the sight of other people (I know…I must get over that), so if other people are around I usually hastily pack up my tripod and move on." I'm ok with people seeing me but my husband is so not. He has "uncomfortable" written all over his face when he sees neighbors out and about when I ask him to take photos! He usually does an awkward shuffle which tells me we need to, as you said, pack up and move on :)

  3. I've been known to grab my camera off the make-shift tripod and scurry in the opposite direction when a neighbor comes out to walk their dog. It's just so awkward. - Katy

  4. A new camera is an item that perpetually appears on my blogging wish lists!

  5. You're way braver than me! It's nice that your husband takes your pics even if a "crowd" makes him uncomfortable.

    As a single gal, it's not a requirement, but it would really be nice for my next boyfriend to have a knack for photography and not mind taking pics outfit pics of me : )

  6. It really can get awkward! I wonder what my neighbors think about me when they catch me, lol.

  7. I'm with you on the camera. Here is to us both being able to upgrade and master some new cameras!

    The Auspicious Life

  8. Canon point-and-shoots are great, aren't they? The control over the setting is amazing. My father just got a new one and they are so much nicer than my old Sony, which I used to use for my photos. When you upgrade to a DSLR you will totally miss the ease of the point-and-shoot at first! I took many, many fail photos with my DSLR and still do :) I hate taking photos with people around too, although lately I stop, smile, and wave if people go past and stare curiously!
