Monday, January 10, 2011

Blushing Florals

I have to be completely honest, I'm bored with about 8o% of the contents of my closet right now...I have to make a serious effort to remix what I own to curb the urge to buy new things. I usually start to feel this way once the cold weather really sets in and after the flurry of holiday activities has ended. With the exception of my leftover Christmas money, I am really trying not to purchase any clothing until my birthday in March because I plan to take a shopping trip at some point during that month, most likely to my favorite U.S. city, New York.


This shirt was a recent acquition, right after Christmas and I am actually wearing it backwards because I liked the higher neck of the back of the shirt. Of course, most outfits aren't complete for me during the winter months unless they include a skirt or colored tights, the one's I have on in these pics are purple if it isn't apparent because of the lighting. I really want to branch out beyond skirts, but I have such a hard time finding pants that fit my stature and proportions. I should make pants a priority when I go birthday shopping in March.


Happy Monday!

Shirt: H&M
Shirt: Nordstrom (BP Junior's)
Belt: Nordstron (BP Junior's)
Tights: Kohls
Shoes: Payless
Necklace: Jess LC
Earrings: Etsy seller


  1. I love this shirt! It's so unique. Maybe you can find another friend or even a blogger to do a swap/trade with. That would introduce some new pieces to your wardrobe with only the price of shipping for the packages involved!

  2. @Chaucee Thanks! I definitely need to start swapping clothing, I never really swapped before.

  3. i have trouble finding good pants too! this backwards-top idea works so well here...i should try it out!

  4. Love, love, love your outfit! And I'm impressed that you wear tights and a skirt in DC during the winter. When Cath and I lived there, we always layered up- and still do even in the south ;)
    p.s. Love your hair too!

  5. Eh, pants are overrated. :) If you like skirts and they work for you, wear 'em.

    That top is fantastic on you!

  6. Ohh I know how you feel about wanting to get new things! I'm going to try to limit myself to thrift store only shopping for a while :P I love your neutral shirt! The shoulders are great!

  7. @Dotty Let me know how you make out with your shirt!

    @Melissa Thanks! I do love my skirts : )

    @Asian Cajuns Thanks! I must admit that I wear boots and socks over my tights on my commute : )

    @Alex Elizabeth Thanks! The shoulders of the shirt are really the main reason why I bought it. I love little details on basic shirts.
