Wednesday, January 12, 2011

(Belated) One Year Blogoversary

Worn January 5, 2010

My blog turned a year old on January 7th. It took me a few years to get up the nerve to start a style blog after discovering them in 2007, but I'm so happy I did. It's been fun documenting outfits and other things that inspire me for the past year.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Happy blogiversary Shenneth! Looking forward to seeing what your 2nd year brings! Oh, and I love your outfits. Adorable.

  2. Happy bloggy day! How chic are you in this picture? The red beads that pair so well with the skirt. The wonderful combo of red and black. The unexpected striped cardigan. You look great!

    The Auspicious Life

  3. Congrats on your blog birthday! Have a cupcake for me!

  4. Congrats on one year (love the skirt!)

    - Meredith

  5. @When I Grow Up Thanks for stopping by Michelle!

    @Linda Thanks! I wear all of these pieces a year later regularly, its so great to find pieces you like that stand the test of time.

    @Stylish Thought Thanks! A cupcake sounds like an excellent idea. I think I'll get one now...

    @mdunc1021 Thanks! I really should wear this skirt more often than I do.

  6. I love this look
