Sunday, December 19, 2010

Weekend Style: Basic Black

I have a love for vibrant colors, but sometimes, it's nice to stick to neutral tones and black.


On another note, I spent an unexpected amount of time on the Metro yesterday when I wore this outfit, so I'm happy I decided to wear a hat to keep my head warm for the long ride. I spent a 1 1/2 hours on the subway (one way!) to get to a holiday get-together and by the time I got there after that insanely long trip, it was winding down. I was expecting for the trip to take 45 minutes tops, after all, the DC Metro area is only but so big. There was track maintenance going on that limited the number of trains in the system and the train I was on basically stopped for 10 minutes at every.single.stop. I was shooting for a 'fashionably late' arrival to the party, and not to miss the whole thing! That will teach me a lesson to go against my normally punctual ways...smh. It took me even longer to get home (two hours!). I rarely wish for a car because I live in a city with accessible public transport, but maybe I will give in a purchase a Zipcar membership to use on the weekends in 2011.

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Shirt: Banana Republic
Shirt: Target (Girl's section)
Belt: Urban Outfitters
Boots: c/o Lucky Mag via Timberland
Cardigan: ???
Hat: Tulle
Necklace: Eastern Market vendor
Earrings: H&M
Sunnies: Target


  1. I'm so happy that you are doing outfit posts again, but I'm sorry to hear that you missed you party. I love that wrap....that is just the sort of thing I have been looking for,

    The Auspicious Life

  2. I love this look! It's very cool, I like the statement jewelry with the neutrals!

  3. @Linda Thanks! I wish I remembered the store I bought my cardigan from so I could tell you!

    @Alex Elizabeth Thanks! This necklace is definitely a fav.

  4. zipcar, metro...if only i had those options where i live.

    love the belted top and cardi!
