Thursday, December 2, 2010

Style Profile: Chicfaced

Blogger Interview - Chicfaced

All images via Chicfaced

For this edition of Shen Dove Style Profiles, Megan and Laura of Chicfaced were kind enough to answer some questions about their style. They both have an awesome sense of style and are girls after my own heart with their love of accessories that really bring their looks together! Now let's get this interview started!

Shen Dove: I think it's so great that you decided to launch your blog together, it's nice to see the elements of both of your personal styles in your posts! Why did you decide to start a blog together as opposed to doing blogs separately?

Megan: Before we met 3+ years ago, Laura and I both had an interest in fashion – it was one of the first things we bonded over while working at a university writing center. Together, we formed an unstoppable fashion-obsessed duo! When we both decided it was time to move on from the writing center we also decided it was the perfect time to start our own blog. It was totally natural - a way to continue our daily fashion conversation. Not that it has stopped us from chatting about it when we’re hanging out, either!

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Shen Dove: Where is the strangest place you've taken an outfit photo?

Megan: Haha. Oh boy – we were just talking about this! On our very first photo adventure we wanted to go somewhere anonymous and secluded so we decided to go to a deserted parking lot behind an ice skating rink. We – and I kid you not – took photos in front of a dumpster and some fake snow. Those photos never made it onto the blog. Rumi may have been proud, though.

Shen Dove: How would you describe your personal style? Is it influenced by your career/job?

Laura: I would describe my style as vintage-inspired--I like anything that looks like it's from another era, but modernized; lots of color; lots of pattern and texture, a bit of drama, and structured; I also like to balance masculine and feminine pieces within the same outfit.

Megan: I would say my style is feminine, vintage-inspired, arty, and not too serious, if that makes sense. I love details – fringe, buttons, sequins, feathers, etc. The way I dress is most definitely influenced by my job! I own a vintage clothing shop in downtown Fredericksburg, so I get to have a lot of fun with the way I dress everyday. “Having” to get dressed up for the shop is such a great excuse to play around with my style.

Shen Dove: How does the city/town/burb you live in influence your style?

Laura: Fredericksburg is not known for its fashion but there is a large population of young folks and artistic folks, so we have had great support in our fashionable endeavours from our friends around town and from local college students.

Megan: We both live downtown and are out and about pretty regularly so we’ve both gotten quite comfortable and secure in our little community to do what we want, fashion-wise!

Shen Dove: What shops/boutiques/websites do you have the most success with finding great things? Do you have an example of a great recent find?

Laura: My go-to websites are Ebay, J.Crew, Anthropologie, Topshop, Forever 21, Asos and Urban Outfitters. I love H&M and Zara, but the closest ones are an hour away, so I don't get to go as often as I would like.

Megan: Etsy, for sure. I just bought an awesome cape from ArchivesChicago on Etsy I can’t wait to wear! I also have a couple favorite vintage/consignment shops in the area – Halcyon Vintage or Clementine in Richmond and Antics in Charlottesville are places I can always find something special.

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Shen Dove: What items are you excited about wearing this season?

Laura: Capes! I bought a black knit one and a camel wool one that i can't wait to wear; and every year when the weather gets cold I look forward to wearing hats of all kinds--beanies, berets, floppy ones, and i'm contemplating the cloche this year.

Megan: My coats and blazers! I’ve got so much sparkle, faux fur, leather, stripes and brocade waiting to be busted out in various forms of outerwear. And like any good fashion blogger, I’m ready to wear all my boots again!

Shen Dove: You both have fantastic accessories that really add a creative element to your style. What accessories item do you plan to keep forever and why?

Laura: my handbags! they are like my children i love them so, and they are certainly the "investment pieces" that you are always reading about in magazines that you keep forever and hand down to your daughter. I also have some scarves and pieces of jewelry that have sentimental value to me, and i would never part with them.

Megan: Hey, thanks! It’s all about the jewelry for me. For instance, I absolutely plan to keep the chandelier earrings Laura designed + made for me that I wore on my wedding day. I am definitely keeping all my vintage baubles and I’ve got quite the collection of statement necklaces I love. So much of my jewelry is vintage, handmade or gifted so I couldn’t see ever parting with any of it.

Shen Dove: What are your regular reads (blogs, magazines, books) to get your fashion fix?

Laura: Oh boy, where to begin? I would say my top blogs are the cherry blossom girl, pandora, the glamourai, the sartorialist, garance dore, whowhatwear, fashiontoast and sea of shoes. there are countless more though--and I find more and more every day, the inspiration is endless!

Megan: Ditto Laura, the blogs of the friends we’ve made- Off of Broadway, Corks + Caftans, the Owls. I read most magazines as habit, but I like Elle best. I also recommend the Olsen’s book, Influence.

Shen Dove: Please name a film, song or piece of artwork that embodies your current personal style. Can you explain your choice?

Megan: I’m not sure if these embody my personal style as much as I find them inspiring but Penny Lane from Almost Famous and Nikki from Alfie are two characters I am constantly going back to. I am also inspired by artists Cy Twombly and Mark Rothko for their unadulterated love of and genius control of color.

Shen Dove: Looking your best doesn't necessarily mean spending your entire paycheck, do you have any tips for shopping on a budget?

Laura: My tips would be: Don't skimp on things like shoes and bags, but things like cute tops, dresses and sweaters you can get at places like Target and Forever 21 for next to nothing. Also, stalk things until they go on sale and then snatch them up (and on places like ebay, you have to be cutthroat sometimes!) if the website sells out before you can get to it, call customer service and have a representative locate the piece in a store (if the website has a brick and mortar store). I do it all the time!

Megan: Shopping on a budget is my life! I think it takes two things: 1) time and 2) patience. Thrifting, consignment shopping and stalking items online until they go on sale are 3 great ways to budget. For example, I once found a Chanel sweater for $2 at a Salvation Army. I have found so many cute Anthropologie dresses and shirts at a local consignment store and have practically stolen some designer duds from Bluefly during a 75% off 1 Day Only sale. All take some dedication, but it’s so totally worth it!

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Shen Dove: Do you have a piece of advice you'd like to convey to anyone interested in starting a blog that you wish someone had told you?

Laura: Having a blog is very time consuming, and if you aren't lucky enough to have a boyfriend/husband photographer, then you have to take all your photos yourself, which can be a little awkward at first, but just keep practicing. Also, it's hard to put yourself out there and have faith that people will like your blog, because it is a personal thing. remember to have fun with it and that your perspective on clothes and fashion is uniquely yours, even though there are a million influences out there--it's your way to share a little bit of yourself and only you can do that.

Megan: I totally agree with Laura. It can be tough constantly creating new content that you’re happy with and you think (hope?) others will like as well. It’s a big leap of faith, but a pretty fun one!

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Shen Dove: Do you have any personal style rules you live by? If so, what are they?

Laura: Find out what colors look good with your skin tone and stick with them. don't be afraid to try new things, but recognize that not all trends are going to work for you. and (as I get older), try and choose things that you can see outlasting fads--think to yourself, "will I still be able to wear this in ten years and not look ridiculous or dated?" assuming it still fits. dear god, please let it all still fit!

Megan: Generally speaking, I always try to pay attention to fit + proportion + texture in every outfit and I always opt for being overdressed than underdressed. In other news, I only wear cocktail rings on my right hand, only wear bracelets on my left wrist and never wear earrings + a necklace at once.

Shen Dove: Thanks for the interview ladies!

So be sure to check out the stylish ladies of Chicfaced if you aren't already!