Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Style Profile: Kendi Everyday

Image Credit: Kendi Everyday

This is the first edition of Shen Dove's Style Profiles, which is basically an opportunity for me to interview some of my favorite style enthusiasts and ask them a few questions about their style and inspiration. This month, I am profiling Kendi Lea from Kendi Everyday. Not only is Kendi a stylish lady, but she's a funny as well! The humorous tone of Kendi's posts often make me chuckle out loud, which garners looks if I'm reading her blog on my iPhone or laptop in public... Kendi is also a master wardrobe remixer and created the awesome 30 for 30 challenge that I participated in with numerous other bloggers over the summer. So let's get this interview started!

Shen Dove: What inspired you to start your blog?

Kendi: I discovered style blogs in 2008 and became enthralled with them. I loved the idea of seeing what real girls with real bodies buy, wear and remix. After following many blogs for a few years, I decided that it was time to have my own voice out there in the community, so Kendi Everyday was born out of that desire to contribute to the wonderful world of style blogging.

Shen Dove: How did you come up with your blog title?

Kendi: I get asked this a lot and I'm never quite sure how it came about. I thought up a million names but it seemed like all of them were taken. I wanted my blog to come across as the average girl and what she wears, so I decided on Kendi (my name) + Everyday, as to show my daily style.

Shen Dove: Where is the strangest place you've taken an outfit photo?

Kendi: Great question! I'm not sure how strange this is but at an old broken down gas station, with a construction crew watching us. I definitely felt strange, that's for sure!

Shen Dove: How would you describe your personal style? Is it influenced by your career/job?

Kendi: I would say that my style right now is classic, indie and modern, but always changing. When I first started my career path, my style was completely influenced by my job, but nothing felt like me. Now I make sure that what I buy fits my style as well as the constraints of appropriate office wear. With a little creativity, finding your style in a 9-5 setting can be done.

Shen Dove: Who is your personal 'style icon'? Feel free to name as many as you like if you have more than one!

Kendi: I adore Rachel Bilson's style. She is indie but polished, I love how put together she looks always, even if it's in a pair of shorts. I also gain a lot of style inspiration from Alexa Chung. The way she pairs things together is unexpected and yet on her makes complete sense. She makes me want to take more risks!

Shen Dove: If you could have a tea party with any person(s) that have influenced your personal style (dead or alive) who would they be? What would you discuss?

Kendi: I would have to say that I'd want a tea party with style bloggers! I'd love to meet so many bloggers who have influenced my style and life by their blogs. Rachel Bilson, Zooey Deschanel and Alexa Chung would of course be invited as well. :)

Shen Dove: Do you have any personal style rules you live by? If so, what are they?

Kendi: Do not buy anything that does not already fit with what you have in your closet. If you can't remix it, you don't need it.

Shen Dove: How does the city/town/burb you live in influence your style?

Kendi: Where I live there isn't a lot of style, so I've had to get over the fact that what I wear does not translate to anyone here. It was hard at first and now I just don't care. I've lived in Texas for most of my life, so there is definitely influence there, but more than anything I try to stay true to what I like not what the latest trend everyone in my town is wearing. Or else I'd be wearing a be-dazzled jean jacket and really big hair.

Shen Dove: What items are you excited about wearing this fall?

Kendi: Animal print, tall boots, knee high socks and of course, tights. I can not wait until it's tights wearing weather!

Shen Dove: What clothing or accessories item do you plan to keep forever and why?

Kendi: It's hard to purge anything that I've invested in, so clothing from J.Crew or Anthropologie I don't plan on parting with for a while. Anything basic can keep for forever. I have a black dress from J.Crew that I wore to my rehearsal dinner and it looks just as nice as the day I bought it, such a great investment piece that I can wear over and over again.

Shen Dove: What are your regular reads (blogs, magazines, books) to get your fashion fix?

Kendi: Lucky Magazine is my favorite, every time it lands in my mailbox I rip it open and start marking pages as inspiration. I have too many blogs to name, there are so many inspiring people out there. Street style blogs are so inspiring to me, I can't always re-create a specific look but I love to see the risks others take. Who What Wear is also a great resource for me, I look forward to their emails every day.

Shen Dove: Looking your best doesn't necessarily mean spending your entire paycheck, do you have any tips for shopping on a budget?

Kendi: You are exactly right, looking good is not a reason to go into debt. I suggest setting a budget for shopping and setting aside time to go shop rather it be online or in-store. It will look different for each person, but sticking to a budget and schedule will help you stay focus in your shopping rather than just spending money on things you don't neccesarrily need. Make a list of items you'd like and items you need, always buy basics first. A basic skirt will get you a lot further than blowing all your budget on 1 pair of trendy shoes. Not that you can't buy trendy shoes, but if you take care of the basics first, then trendy items can follow in the months to come. Shop sales at nicer stores and hit up places like Target, Ross, TJ Maxx for discounted merchandise as well. And remember, if you can't remix it, you don't need it. :)

Shen Dove: Thanks for the interview Kendi!

So, if you aren't already a reader of Kendi Everyday, check her out! You won't be disappointed.


  1. GREAT interview! Kendi is definitely one of my favorite bloggers :)

  2. Thanks so much for the interview. The questions were great and I love your blog!


  3. @Kendi Lea Thanks for taking the time to do the interview! And I love your blog too, obviously : - )

  4. I found you through the 30 for 30 and have been following ever since. I love your bold colors and style choices. Keep it up!

    The Auspicious Life
