Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall Reading List

I've finished the books from my summer reading list, so I decided that it's time to make a fall reading book list for my Metro commute (aka reading time). I love making lists of all types because I get great satisfaction from crossing items off lists. You should see the extensive task lists I make for work...

Girl in Translation - I believe I read about this book originally on a blog (can't remember which one...). I liked the cover and the inside flap seems intriguing, so I'll give it a try!

7 Habits of Highly Effective People - I've actually owned this book for several months, but am a little embarrassed to admit that I haven't yet read it. I think there are some valuable things I can apply to life in this book from what I've heard about it; so there's no time like the present to read it.

Catching Fire (Book 2 of The Hunger Games Trilogy)
- I read The Hunger Games and couldn't put it down. I didn't expect to like the series because of the disturbing premise and the fact that it's technically a Young Adult novel, but now want to know what will come of Katniss and her family, Gale and Peeta...

Nina Garcia's Look Book
- I like the chatty tone of Nina Garcia's books. They seem like the great style advice I'd get from a worldly older sister or hip Aunt. I also love the illustrations of Ruben Toledo, so I knew I'd get this book from my local library as soon as I heard about its release earlier this year.

Purple Cow - I am a fan of Seth Godin and have decided to read more of his books to jump start my creativity and inspire myself to make concrete plans for my entrepreneurial dreams...I've heard people refer to Purple Cow, so I figured it was time to read it for myself.

Shopaholic and Baby
- I loved the first few books of the Shopaholic series (though the film was lacking a bit for me though it was cute). I saw this book while browsing in a book store recently, so I'll definitely borrow it when it arrives in my local library.

So what books (if any) do you plan to read this fall?


  1. Oh I love the Shopaholic series! They just give me such a good laugh and always bring a smile to my face. That's why I read them :D

  2. @Chaucee Shopaholic books are great! It's a pleasant escape for the stuff I have to read for school and work.

    For some reason, British humor is always super-funny to me : )
