Wednesday, August 18, 2010

In Need of Inspiration

Red and grey has been a color combo that I've favored in the past, and I decided to pair the two colors again today. I've been a little uninspired by my outfits this week, this usually happens at the end of each season. Though I love summer, I'm finally starting to miss having the option of layering clothing without breaking out into a sweat and I've been eyeing my boots each time I open my closet to hunt for a pair of shoes.

On another note, my outfit kind of coordinates with the cover of the book I just finished. I sure did get funny looks on the Metro train from nosy people standing/sitting near me when I pulled this book out because of the title. I never thought I'd read a memoir by a person still in their twenties, but I think everyone has a valid story to tell if they really want to tell it. I think the desire for people to tell their own story is the reason why so many people gravitate toward blogging. It's a more immediate medium than publishing a book, but it can stem from a similar desire to tell your story whether it's with photos, writing or a combination of both. So whether you want to publish that novel, write for that publication or blog or write that poem, tell your story if you feel you have one to tell.


  1. I think that's why I started a style blog - I love to write, and I tend to be very long-winded, but I really can't come up with anything interesting to write about so I keep a style blog. I have another one but I rarely post on it anymore because I just can't come up with any topics. I don't feel like I really have a story.

    Anyway - your outfit is beautiful! I love red and gray together. That's such a fun shirt and I really like that you wore nude heels instead of the typical black or red.

  2. @Melissa Thanks! I go through spurts where I want to write alot, or I just want to share something I find interesting or inspiring. The diversity that blogging allows is what I think makes it fun for so many people.

  3. Hey there, I just found your blog and am totally in love/jealous of your closet! The cuts are so flattering and I dig how you are not afraid of color. Totally agree with you on the storytelling aspect of blogging. I love how easy it is to personalize words and images into a storytelling medium that is purely your own!
