Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mellow Yellow

I thought perhaps if I wore the lightest colors I could get my hands on this morning, that it would trick my mind into thinking it wasn't hot and humid such luck. I'm amazed I didn't melt standing outside to take these pictures, it's been so darn hot outside! I love the summer and sunshine, but I would appreciate a little less humidity. I hope everyone that lives in areas that are having excessive heat are staying hydrated and wearing sunscreen.

Hot weather makes me think of cold snacks. I'm not big on eating ice cream but I could go for a Mango flavored water ice; pronounced "wooder ice" because I'm from Philly... I've never had what would be considered a "Philly accent," but I still continue to butcher the word water though I've lived in DC since college. I just realized there is a whole Wikipedia page on Philadelphia dialect, who knew?

Top: H&M
Skirt: Forever 21
Shoes: Calvin Klein via Marshalls
Earrings: vendor from the Eastern Market
Necklace: JessLC
Sunnies: Kenneth Cole via Marshalls