Monday, July 19, 2010

30 for 30: Day 6

The one benefit of having a smaller amount of clothing to choose from is that I can get ready faster in the morning. I rarely pick my clothes out the night before and have the habit of spending precious minutes in the morning staring blankly at the contents of my closet like my clothes will advise me on when and how I should wear them. The sun didn't want to cooperate with this morning, and hid from me. I thought I'd have time to retake my photos during the course of the day, but the sun didn't make a long enough appearance to make retaking them worth while. I don't have much more to say today because I'm a little preoccupied with finishing an assignment for one of my two summer classes. I'm so relieved that this is the last week of my summer classes! Now I'm off to do some work before I get too sleepy.

Top: Target
Skirt: Target
Blazer: Delia's
Shoes: Target
Pearl necklace: Forever 21
Hoops: Spotted Moth

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