Saturday, July 31, 2010

30 for 30: Day 17

I get the strangest comments when I get caught taking my outfit pictures in my neighborhood. When I was taking the picture above yesterday, I was asked if I was taking my prom pictures. Prom pictures in late July? Lol! I just smiled and nodded. I'm sure my neighbors refer to me when I'm out of earshot as that narcissistic girl that takes photos of herself with her tripod everyday. The sacrifices we make for blogging...

Top: H&M
Skirt: Forever 21
Shoes: Target

30 for 30 Banner

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! I love the layers : )
    Yes, it's always awkward taking pictures in public - especially with a tripod! That's what I have to do when I'm at the University but when I'm at home during the summers it's nice to have family members take them for me in the back yard :D

    Ps - I'd love it if you'd come visit my blog! I've been enjoying your style and I'm glad I've found yours!
