Saturday, June 19, 2010

Camera Woes and 2011 Rachel Roy Resort Collection


Recently, I went to mount my camera on my tripod to take my regular outfit shots when my camera tripod tumbled and my camera fell face down on its lens. After my initial shout of anguish, I tried to fix it to no avail and then realized it's probably still covered under its warranty, so as soon as I can make it to the post office, my camera will be shipped to a repair center to be fixed. I'll either have to use my old Kodak camera that is several years old, or rely on the kindness of friends/family to take my outfit photos until I get my Canon Powershot back. *Smh*

In the mean time, here are a few of my favorite looks from Rachel Roy's 2011 Resort collection. I love the color palette used in this collection and could imagine myself wearing many of the pieces in the collection in real life. This collection makes me want to plan a vacation to an Italian city like Rome, Venice or Milan. I can almost visualize myself wearing some orange palazzo pants and a straw hat while walking around Rome eating gelato. I'd also practice what I remember from my high school Italian classes with everyone I meet... A girl can dream right?

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