Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What to Wear?

During this time of the year, I usually get bored with everything in my wardrobe. It hasn't warmed up enough to permanently put away the remainder of my cold weather clothing. But we still get a random hot day. I'm ready to retire my stockings and tights until the fall. Just when I think I can pack them up, we get another chilly day. It's so tempting to just go shopping and add new pretty things to my closet instead of just 'thinking' outside of the box with items I already own.

As I was looking through my warm weather clothing to see what I could layer to make it weather appropriate, I realized that one of my favorite vintage dresses purchased from a store that no longer exists is getting too delicate to wear. I'll need to take it to a tailor to get the hem fixed in a few places. I don't want it to completely fall apart, so I'll have to retire it. Such a bummer...nothing lasts forever I guess.

Dress: Go Jane
Cardigan: Old Navy
Necklace: Forever 21
Glasses: Urban Outfitters

Song Currently on Repeat: Yellow Brick Road Song By: Iyeoka Ivie Okoawo


  1. I love the combination of the white and black with kelly green.

    I'm experiencing the same thing with my winter wardrobe. Luckily, it's getting pretty warm here in Atlanta so I've been phasing out my winter clothes completely.

  2. @Asian Cajuns Thanks! I know it's only a matter of time before it warms up here as well for good, but I guess I'm a little impatient : - )

  3. I love the combination.The necklace is gorgeous.I got the same dress(in navy) from go jane last summer but i still have not found a way to wear it!

  4. this look is adorable!

