Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Shen's Favorite Things: Stylish Sunglasses

As a lover of all types of accessories, I've always gravitated toward sunglasses of varying sizes and styles. They are stylish and fairly practical during sunny weather year-round. Who wants to squint when outdoors?

In my dreams, I'd be able to purchase one of each of the sunglasses pictured above, but for now, I'll be happy with the pair the far less expensive versions I have from Marshall's and H&M. A girl can dream though...


  1. Good post. All pair of sunglasses is excellent. It is a combination of style and glamour. Designer glasses offer you with the much needed fashion and makes you live up to the fashion.

  2. Good post. All pair of sunglasses is excellent. It is a combination of style and glamour. Designer glasses offer you with the much needed fashion and makes you live up to the fashion.
