Saturday, April 10, 2010

How the leopard got his spots

As a child, I had a tape of a children's book of the folk tale about how leopards got their spots. The animal print of the shirt I wore yesterday sparked the memory of this story that I hadn't thought about in years. I tried to find the exact recording I had as a child with the idea of giving the book/recording to a few of my friend's with young children, but discovered there are many variations of this story. I'll have to figure out which one to choose now but this one is a contender. I love giving books to kids because some of my greatest memories as a child were being read to by my parents and other adults. The love of reading is a potentially life-long hobby that is best started young.

Leopard print is a favorite of mine though I don't wear it very often. I think it's more special when done in moderation anyway.

Shirt: Forever 21
Jeans: Gap
Shoes: Payless

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