Saturday, April 17, 2010

Denim Reflections

Since I graduated from college a few years ago and started working full-time, I've started to associate wearing jeans with the arrival of the weekend because I so rarely wear them on weekdays. I don't have anything against jeans, but I actually like dressing up for work and don't mind that I currently wear jeans less than I have at any other point in my life. Jeans were my daily uniform in college and though my college campus was known for the diversity of creativity of clothing that the student body chose, I kept it pretty simple. I am accustomed to being told I look younger than my age, so my instinct is to dress more maturely during the week.

It's also true that I rarely find a pair of jeans I absolutely love. As a short, curvy girl, jean shopping is my least favorite type of shopping; I'll buy a skirt or a dress in a heart beat, even if they will need alteration; but jeans, I just prefer them to fit perfectly upon trying them on which to be honest, happens rarely. The pair I have on in the pictures above were actually bought during a day trip to NYC last spring where I realized the skirt I wore for the day would not cut it as the temperature steadily dropped during the course of the day. A quick shopping trip to solved that problem and I was able to enjoy the rest of the day with warm legs!

Maybe one day I'll invest in a custom made pair that are made to fit me, but for now, I'll wear the least expensive, best fitting pairs I can find. It took me a while to get on board with the "jeggings" or "skinny jeans" style. I find that I like them although I am a bit dismayed that I see the hems of jeans rising to high water length by some fashion-conscious folk; that is definitely not a trend I think I can pull off, but good luck to those girls with legs long enough to wear their jeans that way!

Shirt: American Apparel
Jeans: Forever 21
Shoes: Nine West via Zappos
Scarf: Old Navy
'Bone' earrings: H&M
Sunnies: Kenneth Cole Reaction via Marshalls


  1. Great scarf, you graduated from college. In these pics you don't look a day older than 18, congrats though.

    my blog: ♥La Stylin Girraffe♥

  2. @Chic Therapy Thanks!

    @OooKellyNicky Thanks! I'm closer to 30 than I am to 18 though : - )

  3. I have the exact same sentiments on jeans. They are definitely weekend wear for me, and yes, soooo hard to shop for!

  4. i love the way this looks without the jacket. :)
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